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10 Most Influential Psychology Blogs

10 Most Influential Psychology Blogs

Blogs have become effective medium in disseminating the discipline of psychology and allied fields. I have compiled a list of influential psychology blogs which offer a wealth of information, insight, and interesting content for aspiring psychologists, established professionals, and curious learners.

These blogs are influential in the sense that they rank well in search results, have a good following on social media, and they publish high-quality articles.

  1. BPS Research Digest –  This blog brings you at least one new psychology study for you every weekday. Published by the British Psychological Society since 2003, their aim is to showcase psychological science while also casting a critical eye over its methods. With over 100,000 followers across social media and another 50,000+ on email, the Research Digest blog continues to grow in popularity and international prominence, attracting millions of readers every year.
  2. PsyBlog British psychologist Dr Jeremy Dean is the founder and author of the popular website ‘PsyBlog’. Jeremy’s first degree was in law but after a career in the Internet industry he began studying psychology. He has now racked up three higher degrees in psychology, his latest being a doctorate from University College London. The blog has 28,000 followers on Twitter.
  3. Psych Learning Curve – This education-oriented blog is published by the American Psychological Association. It is a place where educators, students, parents, activists and psychologists can explore the latest in psychology education and education in psychology. The blog has a good following on social media.
  4. ISCHP Blog –  This blog is devoted to critical health psychology and is managed by the International Society of Critical Health Psychology. One of its aims is to promote active commitment to equity, transparency and inclusion in the way we run the society and its events and projects.
  5. Psychreg –  Based in the UK, the blog is founded by Dennis Relojo, the world’s first blog psychologist. Psychreg was recognised as a Highly Commended Blog by the UK Blog Awards. Launched in 2014 as a directory, it soon evolved into publishing articles on psychology and mental health, hosting a podcast, and having its own open access publication. Psychreg also host events such as the upcoming 1st International Conference on Psychology, Counselling and Education (ICPCE 2018) to be held at New Era University in the Philippines from the 2nd to the 4th of August 2018.
  6. Welldoing The site devoted to mental health, self-development and wellbeing, with its own directory of therapists and counsellors. Welldoing ranks well on search results and has a good following on social media. They have gathered a wide range of information, tips and advice about all aspects of health and wellbeing, alongside our innovative therapist directory of professional mind and body practitioners from across the UK.
  7. Psychology Today was first launched in 1967 and continues to thrive. On this site, they have gathered a group of renowned psychologists, academics, psychiatrists and writers to contribute their thoughts and ideas on what makes us tick.
  8. Mind Hacks gives Neuroscience and psychology tricks to find out what’s going on inside your brain. This blog is maintained by Tom Stafford and and Matt Webb, who are also the authors of the book, Mind Hacks. In their blog they reveal tips and tricks that allow individuals to ‘hack’ everyday life in order to achieve happiness, clarity, and other highly sought-after outcomes.
  9. Psych Central claims to be the largest and oldest independent mental health social network. Since 1995, its award-winning website has been run by mental health professionals offering reliable, trusted information and over 250 support groups to consumers. They have over 185,000 subscribers on their weekly newletter and has a good following on social media.
  10. The Psychologist – As the official monthly publication of The British Psychological Society, this blog serves as a forum for communication, discussion and debate on a range of psychological topics. We publish a wide range of scientific, professional and personal formats aimed at our large and diverse audience: The Psychologist is read by more than 50,000 Society members.