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4 Different Types of Car Cooling Systems

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The more powerful the vehicle and the harder you push it, the more difficult it will be for you to keep it cool. Nonetheless, with an efficient car cooling system in place, this shouldn’t be too difficult. Now, there are several different types of car cooling systems (four to be more precise) which not only offer a different performance but work on an entirely different principle. As always, different systems come with different sets of perks and downsides, so, learning a thing or two about each of these systems might be a good idea. With that in mind and without further ado, here are top four different types of car cooling systems.

  1. Air cooling

The first and type of car cooling is the one done by air. The way in which this works is fairly simple since it allows a flow of current through the parts that are getting heated. The flow of air tries to equalize the temperature of these heated elements with the temperature of the air. Now, before anyone becomes skeptical about something this simple actually being efficient, the description given in the two previous sentences is more than oversimplified. The mechanism consists of an inlet and outlet mechanism, supported by external fins.

Advantages of this method are the fact that such a system is light in weight (and takes less space), which is why it’s used in scooter motorcycles and tractors. This is due to the fact that a first device can’t carry much weight, to begin with, and the latter carries too much of it, as it is. Moreover, this is a frugal system seeing as how it doesn’t require antifreeze (it also takes one task off your mind). The disadvantages are the fact that this method, although it works, still tends to be less efficient than other entries on the list. Other than this, it produces substantially more noise.

  1. Water cooling

Now, we come to the by far most commonly used type of system. The reason behind this is the fact that it’s simple, reliable and as efficient (well, at least cost-efficient) as it gets. Before we proceed, there are some who would claim that this is an umbrella term that serves as a replacement for two separate systems – the thermosiphon and pump circulation system. The first one regulates circulation without the pump and the circulation is achieved with the help of a difference in density between hot and cold water. The latter needs a pump and is, therefore, more complex.

The best thing about a water cooling system, either one of the two, lies in the fact that since these two systems are so common, it’s fairly easy to find a mechanic capable of repairing them. This, on the other hand, doesn’t mean that you should let just about anyone do it. So, search your area to see which of the nearby mechanic shops has a sterling reputation. The proximity also matters, so, if you are located in the northern Melbourne, looking for an Epping auto service is a much better idea than looking for a mechanic half across the city (let alone state).

  1. Steam cooling

One thing may be clear to you, so far, it’s usually the type of the vehicle that determines the type of the cooling system and not the model. So, scooters and tractors have air cooling systems, cars have water cooling systems but what about long vehicles such as buses? Of course, this is not a rule but the most common state of affairs. Well, they use the so-called steam engine cooling.

  1. Liquid cooling

At the end of the day, it’s important to understand that what you pour in the radiator may make a huge difference in its ability to cool the vehicle down. It goes without saying that using a coolant is a superior choice and there’s nothing preventing you from adding antifreeze into the mixture. This may sound ironic to some, seeing as how coolant and antifreeze may seem like polar opposite liquids, yet, you need to use them both in order to protect your vehicle from overheating.

A coolant is a chemical compound that already comes pre-mixed with water. In other words, it’s a more expensive but definitely a more reliable solution. Also, if using water, going with tap water is dangerous due to the fact that you might start developing mineral deposits in the radiator. Instead, if you do decide to go with water, make sure to go with distilled.

In conclusion

At the end of the day, it’s not just about what cooling system you have but the way you use it. For instance, there are so many myths out there like the idea that eliminating the thermostat may eliminate overheating. Always be critical and, when you do decide to do your research, look for reliable and credible sources.