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5 Ways to Spend Long Flights Productively and Pleasurably

5 Ways to Spend Long Flights Productively and Pleasurably

Long flights are often seen as a necessary evil, since we need to deal with relatively basic services, cramped seating, lost luggage and uncompromising security checks. It could get harder to enjoy this situation, but we should be able to endure it more comfortably by making some simple modifications and attitude adjustments. In fact, long flights can be converted into hours of personal betterment and productivity.

1. Prepare ourselves Psychologically and Mentally

With the right mindset and a notepad, we could make proper plans on what we would do during the long flights. Hours we spend on an airplane could be used for a variety of activities. We should ask ourselves about things that we want to do during flight. For some people, it could be rather tiresome to read for a long period of time, so they may consider listening to audiobooks.

2. Draw

Drawing could really help us to spend time productively. Although we are bad at drawing, we could draw things to keep our mind occupied. As an example, we could draw simple comics on our notepad, depicting various scenes in our mind. Sometimes, the time when we don’t really have anything to do is the time when we can be creatively more productive. We should spend the long flights in a more satisfying way by making stories in form of comics. As an example, we could make up stories based on our favourite movies and novels.

3. Play puzzles and Riddles

Puzzles, such as sodoku, can be a highly portable and excellent way to sharpen our mind while we sit idly during the flight. Sodoku is a generally logic-based game with specific number placements. They can be played in tablets, smartphones, laptops and booklets. Although it may not be possible for us to do physical exercises during the flight, we should be able to keep our mind in shape with riddles and puzzles.

4. Choose reading Materials properly

People bring throwaway romance novels, magazines and comic books on long flights. Pleasure reading is one of the ways to keep us occupied during long flights, but we should make sure that we choose types of reading that can really better and enhance our minds. If we would spend hours in flight, we shouldn’t deprive ourselves of intellectual reading material. In fact, we should choose to read something that can improve our knowledge, such as autobiography or business books. It is also a good idea to read more about our destination countries; especially their history, culture, tourism attractions and interesting geographical features.

5. Finish any Work that we have been putting off

Like many of us, travellers may also have some kind of work that they have been putting off. During long flights that can write long-overdue articles, finish something for the clients, draw up new household or company budgets, and other things that they can do. We could do many productive things with our tablet, laptops or simply by pen and paper.