Incredible Mag

9 Reasons Why Stop Eating Meat Can Make You Happier in 2019

No wonder that meat is related to so many diseases and anomalies.

But enough with the bad side of eating meat. Let’s see the positives of becoming a vegetarian and saying a final goodbye to eating animals.

Here’s how that will make you a happier, energetic and peaceful person in 2017:

1. Healthy means happy.

According to this Oxford study, vegetarians are not only healthier than those eating meat on a regular basis, but they don’t need to consider cancer and most heart diseases as much likely.

Knowing this, together with not being prone to all the risks of eating processed meat, is enough to make you smile every day and enjoy life more.

2. You’ll be the change.

Being a vegetarian is something you should be proud of because you’re making the world a better place. All other people are talking about changing the world, but they rarely start by changing themselves.

Well, that’s what you’ll be doing. By rejecting meat and saying ‘no’ to killing innocent animals, you might inspire others with your actions, and be a role model for the younger generations in your surroundings.

You don’t need to give up your lifestyle to give up meat. There are living shreds of evidence that even vegan bodybuilding diet is possible!

3. You’re helping the environment.

Let me first tell you what meat eaters are causing as a result of their diet choice:

Meat production requires tons of pesticides and fertilizers to be used. It also means that industrial livestock production leads to air and water pollution, using massive amounts of food and water to feed these farm animals, and needing enormous land areas (25% of the Earth’s land area is used for livestock grazing), the deforestation of which means less trees that will produce carbon, and that contributes to global warming. It really makes sense to get your proteins in a vegetarian way! 

When you stop eating meat though, you’re helping the environment and making the planet healthier. Not speaking about how much more attractive and sensitive it makes you!


About the author

Sarah Williams is a freelance lifestyle writer, yoga enthusiast and foodie. She loves encouraging people to enjoy their social life, develop their minds and to lead a healthy lifestyle. You can check out Wingman Magazine where she shares her insights about self-development, dating and nutrition.