Incredible Mag

Advocating for Children with Disabilities

Disability is certainly not an inability. The world is galloping towards major efforts promoting diversity and inclusivity. There have been a great number of campaigns promoting the rights and welfare of differently-abled people in the world. Much of the responsibility lies with the parents/guardians of children who are differently-abled since, at a tender age, they need to be dealt with the right measures and the requirements.

There have been many people who have scaled up commendable efforts for disabled children, one of which remains the Nigerian, Chidi Topaz Olujie. Chidi is a known philanthropist and educator. He has made a phenomenal impact in the area of special education and also campaigned for the rights of the same. His efforts have won him the Deaf Teacher Association of Nigeria award and an induction in the Main Organizing Committee.

  1. Recognize that girls and boys with disabilities are capable and can change the world
  1. Create a support network
  1. Promote the independence of your daughter or son
  1. Meet with your teachers to create a work plan