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Analysis Of JEE Advanced 2017

Analysis Of JEE Advanced 2017

Joint Entrance Examination is a common entrance examination for all of India for engineering and IIT admissions. The students are admitted into various IIT and engineering institutions all across the country based on the JEE rank. There are many who seek IIT JEE entrance exam coaching.

More than 2 lakh hopefuls showed up for JEE Advanced ‘17 this year at different examination centers around the country. The joint seat allocation community manages and regulates the admission of the candidates to IITs, Ism, 31 NITs, 20 IIITs and 20 other government funded technical institutions. Students undertake IIT JEE entrance exam coaching in order to prepare for IIT JEE exam that makes their way to these top engineering colleges of the country.

While, the paper I of JEE Advanced was held between 9 AM to 12 PM while the II paper started at 2 PM and proceeded till 5 PM. Aspirants seemed to had prepared themselves well with the rigorous exam schedules, during their IIT JEE preparation.

Post Examination Analysis by Specialists:

According to the experts and the students, the overall question paper was moderate for the students though certain sections were a little challenging.

General Analysis

Paper 1

All in all, paper 1 was found to be simple and direct and seemed less demanding when compared with the papers of the previous year.

Paper 2

Paper 2 was generally simple, compared to the last year’s papers. It was additionally less demanding than Paper 1. The paper contained a blend of multiple choice, single choice and comprehensive answer questions

Analyzing Physics:

Amongst the three subjects, Physics seemed to be on the verge of moderate to tough

Analyzing Chemistry

The difficulty level of Chemistry paper seemed to be the most, amongst all three subjects. Both Paper 1 and 2 were on the difficult side.

Students who aspire to appear for JEE 2018, can focus more on these avenues during their IIT JEE preparation.

Analyzing Mathematics

The level of paper in math was anything but difficult. In contrast with previous years’ papers it seemed pretty simple.

Estimated Cut-Offs

Estimated % Seat Reservation

While both papers were analyzed to be much easier as compared to the previous years’, Chemistry seemed to be on a tougher side, this time around. For those seeking online jee preparation, it seems a perfect opportunity as newer kinds of questions are being introduced every time.