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Common Bedtime Troubles Encountered by Kids and How To Resolve It

Is your child experiencing bedtime troubles again? Failing to effectively address the problem can be a living nightmare for you and your child. Numerous studies show that children with improper sleeping habits will likely experience compromised physical development and stunted learning abilities. The great news, however, is that resolving your child’s bedtime troubles can be easy with smart and effective parenting. Learn more from the simple solutions to these 6 common bedtime troubles encountered by kids.

Just too Scared at Night

Braving the night time is something many adults had to go through when they were kids. As a parent, it is dilemma that you try to help your child to overcome. If you remember from your own childhood, the fear of monsters under the bed or the darkness of the night felt very real. The same with your child’s fears and anxiety, it won’t help if you try to laugh the issue off or simply dismiss it lightly. So you’re asking, “How do I convince my child that there are no monsters under his bed?” One of the important first steps is to recognize how scary things may seem at night. Apart from helping your child articulate their feelings, preferably during daytime, it is crucial that you reassure them about their safety. Consider plugging in a night light so the room isn’t pitch black. You can also look under the bed mattress and gently say “I see there are no monsters!” to reassure your child.

Playful and Overly Active

An active childhood is generally a positive thing. It could mean that your child is engaged, healthy, and developing. However, it becomes a problem when it hinders your child from having a good rest at night. It can be seriously frustrating when instead of sleeping on a memory foam at night, your child seems to prefer to play with it by jumping up and down.

Before asking what activities can help a toddler to sleep early, make a quick assessment of what you fed your toddler for dinner. If the answer is sugary foods, then that could explain your child’s excessive energy. When disciplining your child, being a firm yet gentle parent can do wonders. It’s usually not effective to abruptly end an activity. Instead, give verbal warnings when it will have to end. Whether it’s reading or watching TV, allow your child to realize that bedtime is getting close. This way, they don’t feel deprived or stifled. You can also say reassuringly that there will be more time to play and have fun the next day.

Trouble with Sleeping on Time

How to help my child sleep on time?” is a common query of concerned parents. Chances are, your child’s difficulty of sleeping at night is due to the lack of a clearly “defined and implemented bedtime routine”. Your family schedule may be varied, including the sleeping habits of your working husband and newborn child. Nonetheless, for your toddler, it’s crucial to create a sleeping schedule to give way to nightly bliss. What happens during the day is also crucial, as this can set the tempo and routine. Plan around this customizable schedule and discuss with your child:

7 am: wake up

1 pm: nap of no more than 2 hours

3 pm: wake up

6:30 pm: brush teeth and change nappy

6:45 pm: quiet time (read a book or tell a story)

7 pm: into bed and kiss goodnight.

Once your toddler gets used to a routine, sleeping on time at night will come naturally. It will also allow you to have a good rest at night and feel recharged for the next day.

Feeling Sick to Sleep

This dilemma is commonly encountered during the flu season, when your toddler has unfortunately fallen ill.  When your child has a fever or cold, it’s asking too much to expect them to be off to dreamland promptly. There might even be tantrums and crying when this happens. How do you resolve bedtime tantrums in this situation? You can try a couple of things, such as proper medication, cuddling, extra hugs and kisses, bedtime story, and co-sleeping. Making sure that your child is comfortably tucked in bed can have a therapeutic effect. Having a memory foam mattresses and soft covers can make you realize at this point how smart investments they are. Of course, if your child suffers from a much more serious condition, consulting your pediatrician is the best course of action.  

They Climb to Your Bed

Your toddler has graduated from the crib. Congratulations! However, it can be a problem when your child savors this freedom by climbing up to your bed in the wee hours of the morning. Sometimes, it feels like a treat to allow your child to visit you during bedtime. But it will only create problems if you allow this to go on indefinitely. Remember the question we posed earlier, “What is the right bedtime schedule for toddlers?” After creating a customized schedule for your child, it’s important to stick to the plan so you can instill independence and discipline. When you wake up at night with your child already sleeping beside you, just gently carry the midnight wanderer back to their own room.

Refusing to Have a Siesta

Nap times are vital for your child’s development. They also can help your child have a restful sleep at night. Skip a siesta and your child might be overtired to have a good night’s sleep. Toddlers refusing to have that post-lunch snooze are effectively handled with a keen parenting sense. Be sensitive towards clues that your child is getting tired during the day. Put your toddler to bed when they start yawning, rubbing their eyes, or has gotten clingy and spacey. Follow a schedule and make your child’s siesta feel like bedtime. Sing a lullaby, keep the room dark and the bed comfy or read a story. Again, it can also help if you feed your child healthy food during mealtimes, keeping sugary food at the minimum or avoiding it altogether. As for the question, What is the right time for my child to wake up from a nap?, it’s generally recommended to limit nap times from one to two hours.

Effectively addressing your child’s sleep dilemmas is like setting the stage for a healthy lifestyle for you and your offspring. Whenever you encounter bedtime challenges, following these tips and smartly relying on your parental love can ensure that your child is getting the sufficient amount of sleep necessary for their growth and development.

Author Bio: Christopher Britton is an Interior Architect, Home Security Consultant and a Writer. He often writes about home improvement, home security and privacy, green and simple living, geometric and structural designs, technological home advances and home design. He is into sports and a travel enthusiast.