Incredible Mag

Essential Education for Full-Time Bloggers

Are you considering blogging full-time? Are you already a full-time blogger? Having a good educational background can help you not only become a better blogger, but also make more money.

Why is an Education Helpful for Bloggers?

Image via Flickr by romana klee

First things first. If you are a blogger, you need to understand grammar, spelling, and basic English (or the language you are blogging in). If you don’t have a basic foundation in the language you write in, you aren’t going to get very far as a blogger.

However, having further education is also helpful. It is important for a blogger to have a good knowledge of what they are writing about. Do you specialize in writing about the newest gadgets? Understanding how those gadgets work can help you sound more professional. It also gives you a better insight into what you are writing about.

How Much Education is Required?

Image via Flickr by steakpinball

Technically, you don’t need any formal education to be a full time blogger. However, the more knowledge you have, the better your blog is going to be. Many bloggers have either an Associate’s degree or a Bachelor’s degree in their chosen field.

How to get a Degree

Image via Flickr by James Almond

There are many options when you are considering going back to school for higher education. You can get a degree at a traditional school. This will require you to go into classes on a regular basis. You will be limited to the degree options available through the school.

There are also online degree options. At you can compare degrees and select what you think would work best for your situation. One of the great things about getting your degree online is that you can attend class when it is convenient for you.

Education Beyond a Degree

Image via Flickr by yuhui

What field are you writing about? Are there certifications you can get that will help you prove that you know your field? Getting these certifications can help you prove your knowledge. When you are certified, more people are likely to see you as an expert in your field. A professional certification can help you in blogging, as well as other careers if you choose to do something other than blogging.

Proper Education can get you Sponsorships, Guest Post Opportunities, and More

Image via Flickr by Rooster306

If you are trying to make a career out of blogging, it is important to get your name out there. On top of that, it is important to get some money coming in. Having a good background, education, and certifications can all help with this. When you can prove yourself as an expert, you will be more likely to get sponsorships, which will bring in money. Guest blogging on other people’s blogs can help you gain exposure with their readership. The more notoriety you get, you may find yourself getting sample products, interviews with big names, and more.

Getting a good education is essential, no matter what your career path. Bloggers may not need a formal education to write great blog posts, but it will certainly help you feel more confident in your field, as well as help you make a name for yourself.
