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Everything You Need To Know About Diabetes

Everything You Need To Know About Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases in the world; patients all around the world are suffering from this disease and are continually trying to find an immediate solution to its disabling effects. However, due to the interchanging nature of diabetes, there is not a single cure that can provide immediate relief. According to numerous reports, India has the number of reported cases of diabetes.

This report states that India has over 31.7 million patients currently suffering from this disease and due to the state of the health care industry in India; most of these patients never find relief from their conditions. This number exonerates the fact that the number of patients who have diabetes is increasing at an expedited rate, especially in developing countries such as India.

What Exactly Is Diabetes

Diabetes is a medical condition in which the patient’s pancreas stops producing the required insulin or fails to utilize the quantity produced effectively. This condition gives way to many different medical conditions; however, the immediate effect of diabetes is low glucose levels.

Since the body is not producing the required quantity of insulin, the patient’s body will fail to generate any energy from the food that they consume. There are four different types of diabetes; however, type 1 and type 2 are the most common types of diabetes that have been reported on a global scale. Here’s a breakdown of the five different types of diabetes.

Type1: This is when the disease starts developing in the patient’s body since childhood; this autoimmune condition stops the pancreas from producing the required quantity of insulin.

Type2: This type of diabetes accrues from an unhealthy lifestyle and can target any particular age group or gender.

Type3: This is also known as gestational diabetes and occurs during pregnancy. Once a patient is diagnosed with this type of diabetes, their immune system gets weaker by a huge margin.

Type4: This is a rare form of diabetes and is only found in patients above the age of twenty-five. These patients have a healthy lifestyle and even have a healthy weight but still suffer from diabetes.

New Innovations for diabetic patients

Over the years there have been numerous breakthroughs for diabetic patients, and these innovations have helped save countless lives around the world. Diabetio is one of these innovations, which has helped improve the quality of life for diabetic patients.

This application is a personal assistant that helps diabetic patients monitor their current condition and consume the amount of carbohydrates that will keep their body functioning at its optimum rate. Diabetio was developed by BraineHealth AB; this company continually develops innovation processes from idea to implementation to improve the accessibility of health care.

How to diagnose diabetes?

Many people make the common mistake of assuming that they have diabetes merely because they read a couple of symptoms online. However, this is not recommended as even a doctor will have to run a series of tests to determine whether you have diabetes or not. Only a licensed and trained professional can effectively diagnose and treat this disease.

Rest assured, if you were recently diagnosed with diabetes, you could find solace by adhering to your doctor’s treatment and taking advantage of the innovations in the market.