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Exploring Options For Womens Counseling Hunters Point San Francisco

Women face a lot of problems in the current day society and it is necessary for them to have an open channel for communication and timely support. This is where the role of womens counseling Hunters Point San Francisco center and community support programs become vital.

There are many problems women face related to anxiety, depression, partner abuse, family issues, loss and grief, stress and trauma etc. A community program is an ideal platform for them to share their experiences as well as be in the company of others sharing their thoughts and also get assisted by the expert counselors and health workers. Low self esteem and depressions seems to be two major issues faced by the modern day women, which we will discuss further in detail.

Self Esteem

Self esteem is basically the measure of self confidence. If a person has a fair self esteem, he or she will feel competent and capable of doing things. This state of mind in turn gives you confidence and a higher degree of energy. Those who are having low self esteem always doubt about their own abilities and ideas and often rates themselves as “good for nothing”.

As this is the case, improving one’s self esteem can really help maintain better relationships and also ideally manage the ups and down of daily living much easily. A person with good self esteem becomes a stronger advocate of oneself.

Major Factors Affecting Self Esteem

A person’s self esteem is shaped on the basis of several experiences and circumstances they have. The physical and mental built up can also have a high impact on self esteem. The common factors affecting self esteem of a person include;

On addressing self esteem issues, the womens counseling Hunters Point San Francisco  experts will be conducting detailed encounters with the subject to draw out the exact background and current state of self esteem of a human being and positively work towards enhancing it.


This is another major symptom troubling women of all ages. Along with the mental reasons for it, women used to have physical components too contributing towards it. Those who are suffering from depression often feels that they are stuck in the mist and unable to move on. Depression can make one anxious and hopeless too. They always keep a moody or dulled affect, which naturally keeps them away from their social circle and it again contributes towards strengthening the depression symptoms.

Symptoms of Depression

There are many symptoms indicative of acute to chronic depression and the extent of which will have different impacts on different people. Some typical symptoms of depression include;

An expert womens counseling Hunters Point San Francisco counselor can identify these symptoms and correlate to depression if this is the case, and help the patients recover form it to live a better life.