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Here’s How Your Child Can Fit In After A Move

There are many reasons why you would move. Getting a new job, upgrading to a better place, or finding a better school system are all good reasons to pack up and move somewhere new. It’s stressful to leave friends and familiar places behind, but you know this move will make your lives better.

But for your child, the move can be even more stressful. They have no control over it, and now they have to find new friends in an unfamiliar school. Instead of hoping for the best, there are steps you can take to help your child avoid bullying (even cyberbullying) and fit in. It starts by understanding what your child may be thinking about the move.

How Kids Can Feel After Moving

Feeling that you have no control over your life is both stressful and demoralizing. You can feel like giving up if you don’t have any control. Although kids are not mature adults, they can still feel that way. They don’t decide where to go to school, when to go to be, and now, they can’t even control where they live.

As Time points out, changing schools is so stressful that it can bring out psychosis-like symptoms such as delusions or even hallucinations. Your child has lost their support network of friends, and they don’t even know where they can go after school to have fun.

Think of it this way. Remember how you felt starting a new job where you didn’t know anyone or even what language or behavior is expected of you? Add in the chance of cyberbullying, and you have how your child can feel after moving.

Creating A Low-Stress Move

With all the trauma a kid endures thanks to moving, you want to help. Here are some ways to help a child get through the move, such as:

Both you and your child will face some stress over this move. While that’s inevitable, you can help by following Redfin’s advice on creating a low-stress home.

Bullying And Cyberbullying

One problem that your child can easily face after moving is bullying. Bullies tend to target new kids at school because they are vulnerable. That’s why you need to have strong and regular communication with your child. Speak to them often about the new school. If they seem reluctant or anxious when talking about it, this can mean they are being bullied.

If so, you need to start by accepting your child’s reaction. No one can be strong all the time, so even though your child shouldn’t let bullies get to them, that’s not always possible. Speak to your child’s school once your child acknowledges any bullying.

You also have to watch for any signs of cyberbullying. explains how this can be worse than regular bullying because it can quickly spread throughout the school and much farther.

You Can Help Your Child Adjust

The move needs to happen, but that doesn’t mean your child won’t get very stressed by it. Talk to your child throughout the process, get them involved, and ask them about bullying at their new school. Because if your child is having a good time in their new home, so will you.