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Here’s Why More Companies Should Invest In Staff Augmentation

Here’s Why More Companies Should Invest in Staff Augmentation

The big projects are what makes a company a market leader. Many times, certain work purposes mean that a team with specific abilities must be recruited and hired, whose time is specific to that task only. For companies, this is a concern and, often, also a problem. That is why the choice of staff augmentation services (scaling-upallows obtaining the necessary help in a scalable way, for projects, without neglecting the general objectives, avoiding the distraction that results in hiring a team from scratch.

In fact, the staff augmentation presents a deck of advantages that surely your company and, with certain projects, you will see as the best option. After all, streamlining processes and making them effective in the most agile and efficient way is a very important business paradigm for achieving organizational objectives, regardless of the size of your company.

In this regard, there are companies which specialize in offering staff augmentation services. A key name in the U.S. market remains Vitaver and Associates, Inc. a US-based company specializes in staff and recruitment, focusing on the areas of Project Management, Data Architecture, Business Analysis, Database Development, Database Administration, ERP Implementation, Business Intelligence Development, Software Architecture, and Programming.

Vitaver and Associates, Inc. lays great emphasis on the strategy of staff augmentation. As a service provider, they have helped and worked with a plethora of clients ranging in some of the most diverse business sectors, in both private and public markets.

Experience matters, and a lot

Recruiting a group of workers through the staff augmentation modality is essential insofar as they enjoy a good couple of years of experience and are not temporary or interns. They are ideal for executing specific projects in which training or assistance should be minimal, allowing your company to assign projects with confidence and security. A professional of this nature, with his polished skills and abilities for specific tasks, will provide results in a timely manner, saving time in his training and deliveries.

Save Costs without Sacrificing Quality

The cost-benefit of hiring a group of people for a project of a specific duration, whether weeks or a few months, will never be profitable for your company in terms of cost-benefit. Salaries, legal and labor benefits, bonuses, business aid, and other figures will make these contracts overflow your budget. But that’s where staff augmentation comes into play, as it allows your organization to increase its work team with specific professionals for particular tasks without the need to incur long-term or indefinite hiring.

A Fresh and Objective Perspective

Bringing a professional to be part of your ranks for weeks or a few months will allow the organization to have the criteria of a new and objective look at many of the business processes in which this person will be directly and indirectly involved. A worker who arrives thanks to the staff augmentation initiatives is less likely to skew their surroundings or even get involved in internal matters that affect the work environment.

The Time is Gold

The staff augmentation starts from the scoop that the employer must pay the professional only for the time worked. This will have a direct effect on your company’s salary balances. On the other hand, with this hiring modality, don’t worry that this worker has no tasks to do, much less to find activities to fill the gaps in your calendar of activities. By the time the professional’s activities end in a certain project, their work will be over, and there the organization can do without its services.

There is no occupational risk for your Employees

The nature of entry by an exit, very dynamic, and temporary staff augmentation allows your plant employees to perceive the internal changes of the organization in a more acceptable way. That is, they will not be hit by sudden adjustments and new work dynamics that arise from one moment to another in which external professionals will be responsible for executing them.

Monetary Compensations

It is a toxic trend among employees to bail out of projects in the middle of processes. This can be a problematic situation for companies, as finding replacement entails opportunity cost. Vitaver and Associates, Inc. brings a solution to this problem by stapling a project completion bonus. The bonus can exceed as good as $20,000. This is a competitive advantage which attracts many candidates to partner with the company.