Incredible Mag

How To Connect To A VPN

Many of us are turning to VPN’s for protection when connecting to data centres or our clouds to backup our data. We use this if we are on cyber cafe computers or other public computers, this stops anyone else being able to see or intercept our data and steal it.

1. Step One

Okay first of all we need to have our login details at the ready, this will be the IP address, username and of course the password. When buying your VPN you will have these emailed to the email address you gave when purchasing, this is usually instant meaning we won’t have to wait around.

2. Search For The VPN Connect Wizard

Do a search for this in the start menu using the search feature like so:

Click on the “Set up a virtual private network (VPN) connection” this will open up the wizard we need for connecting to our VPN.

3. Let’s Begin…

Okay once we have that open we will need to put in our IP address for our VPN provider and then the name we would like to call it, this is so you can access it easily for next time.

4. Username & Password

Make sure you have the username and password handy for this step as we need to put that in here:

Type in your information for the username and password but LEAVE “remember this password” unticked as you do not want to save it into the computer, this defeats the whole object of using a VPN, ticking that box will give anyone else access to it that uses that particular computer.

5. And Connect…

If you typed in all of the information correctly all should go off without a hitch and you will be connected to your VPN. You can now surf safely and connect to your data centre or other places you need to connect to.

Bio: I use a VPN on a daily basis to connect to my data centre to backup or retrieve the files I need to audit for my business. Using VPN’s to connect to data centres gives that extra layer of security even though ShareFile provide great security already.