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How to Keep your Messages from Spam Filters

Spam filters mostly use a scoring system where each offense has a value. The higher the sum of the message’s offense, the more likely it would be rerouted by the spam filter and therefore won’t be delivered. A single offense cannot be reason enough for your message to be flagged as spam. It would take a combination of violations for your message to reach the level of a spam. However, at times the filter system may be overzealous and thus flagging even legitimate messages as spam.

How then do you ensure that your messages pass the spam filter test?

Cut down on your excitement

Spam filters are so keen with pompous words that are used by some marketers to attract potential customers. Words and phrases that talk about some hard-to-believe warranties or cash rewards may be part of a legitimate message but would send spam alerts. Whatever excites you in your message might also excite spam filters. Use of uppercase characters would convey so much enthusiasm but would also trigger the spam buttons and thus your message ends up in the spam folder. Avoid words that would trigger spam filters by checking out on the internet for ‘words that would trigger spam filters`. Be moderate on your choice of words. You can create the intended hype by choosing words carefully and intertwining them in an appealing way so that they’re catchy and don’t attract spam.

Use plain text

If your email consists of all HTML and links/ images, this would trigger spam. With HTML, you have to choose a good code and should not comprise the entire message. Using a sloppy HTML might be an easy way for you to be caught for spam. Use as much plain text as possible, which sends a clue to the filters that yours is a legitimate message.

Avoid attachments

Where and when possible, avoid attachments. Spam generally contains destructive attachments and filters tend to overreact to such. If feasible, try using links instead of attachments. 

Check your sender score

A sender score is a parameter that grades your reputation. If your rely on frequent campaign emails, this is quite relevant for you. Every time you send out a message, it is graded and if there have been issues of spam on your previous messages, then it’s likely that your mail might not reach the destination. Always be proactive in repairing your email language and before sending any, you must make sure it meets the threshold. With a bad reputation, your email may just be filtered outwardly and thus leading to a loss on your campaign efforts.

Avoid sending spam

Most of the spams are a deliberate effort by the sender to sell their business to people who are not willing. If you have a list of emails for the purposes of marketing, ensure that you only send to those that are interested in your offerings- stick to those who have subscribed to your mail list. Sending spam might get your domain and business blacklisted and getting off those lists is a nightmare.

To avoid being spammed, ensure that you have a list of those willing to receive your emails only. You can take advantage of the option of exchanging v-cards. Get more information on how to identify and keep off spam calls.