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How To Monitor The Performance Of Your SEO Firm?

SEO algorithm can be among the biggest secret in the digital world. You may not be able to fully determine what’s working with your SEO results, if you don’t use common sense in SEO. You need to be able to measure that effectiveness of your SEO campaign in specific time frame. We could find thousands of SEO firms out there and we can find them easily on the Internet. Although there are scientific approaches to SEO, it can be seen as a form of art. It means that there’s no definite procedure that can guarantee results in SEO campaign. Even the best and the most comprehensive SEO procedure may not guarantee the kind of result that you want. SEO can be rather vague and it takes some experimentation to understand what works and what doesn’t.

You should be able to assess the performance of a SEO firm by understanding various factors, well optimized code, content creation and link building progression. Four months after the SEO campaign begins, your website should be placed somewhere at the top of the 2nd page of search result or at the bottom of the 1st page, when you are competing for moderately competitive keywords. It takes much longer if you want to compete well for highly competitive keywords. Positions in search results should determine whether you are able rank proportionally well. The SEO firm should also have monthly report that is presented to you, so you are able to determine the rank. You will know how much progress that you have made compared to last month.

SEO firm may use tracking account to ensure that the progress of SEO project can be properly monitored. As an example, Google Analytics is free and can provide us with plenty of relevant information. Regardless of the tools and methods we have, SEO can be a long drawn process. You should be able to determine whether you should continue working with a SEO company. When the performance of a SEO company is declining, you should know whether it’s time to proceed. In some cases, it is better to fire a SEO firm, if you know that you get little results with the same effort and cost. As an example, you may get very little result after six months starting the SEO campaign. Another problem is when you don’t get any meaningless conversion, although your traffic has increased.

You should consider your situation, when you can’t even make it to the 2nd page of the search result for primary keywords when the project ends. Also, it is possible that you don’t have increase in ranks, although you have increased links. This could happen when you have only low quality inbound links. Your keywords may have stagnated, which means that there’s no increase in search for keywords that you are targeting. In some cases, SEO professional is simply targeting the wrong kind of keywords. If you are seeking for highly competitive keywords, you should have proper expectations.