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How to Navigate the Lonely Seas of Infertility

According to the National Infertility Association, one in eight couples will struggle with conceiving. Though it might feel lonely, it’s important to know that you aren’t actually alone. Here are just a few other ways to feel better, too.

Do Your Homework

When’s your ovulation cycle? What risk factors or medical issues could be contributing to your fertility problems? Can you talk to your doctor about getting a blood test and checking your progesterone levels? Don’t just sit around and hope to conceive. Take an active role in your health and figure out what you need to know moving forward. Educating yourself about infertility issues can help you overcome them, so don’t be afraid to do a little research. You don’t have to have a medical degree to understand the basics.

Consider Different Treatments

You’ve probably heard of in vitro fertilization (IVF), but that’s far from the only test or treatment that you can seek for infertility issues. For example, you can also try various fertility drugs to induce ovulation or increase the potency of your partner’s sperm. You can get hormone testing, genetic testing, and semen analyses to determine the root cause of your infertility. You can consider intrauterine insemination (IUI) before resorting to IVF.

Explore Other Options

You don’t have to give up on the thought of having biological children. However, while you work through your fertility issues, you can fulfill your parenting desires in other ways. You can volunteer with kids at the local community center, or you can take in a foster child who needs a place to stay. You can even contact an adoption agency to see what kind of preparations will be in store if you decide to go down that route. You don’t have to commit to anything. It’s okay to express an interest without signing any contracts.

Reach Out

If you’re trying to conceive with a partner, they should be the shoulder that you lean on when times are tough. If you’re going at it alone, think about dropping by a support group or joining a fertility treatment forum where you can find other people like you. You might also want to bring your family and friends into the loop. The goal is to have support and sympathy as you wade through these turbulent waters.

These are just a few tips for handling the physical and emotional struggles of infertility. Remember, you aren’t alone. There are thousands of people who are facing the same hardship. They’re getting through it, and so can you.