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How To Repair Tech When Customer Service Is Not An Option

How To Repair Tech When Customer Service Is Not An Option

It would be great if technology never failed but it will. You are going to need help with tech troubleshooting at some point. Getting assistance can be hard, especially if customer service specialists are not available. The following guide will help you find alternative options.

Forum Options

One popular option is to turn to online resources for solving tech problems. The most common solution is to hit the forums where non-experienced and relatively knowledgeable individuals join to talk about issues. The problem is the source of an issue is not always easy to pinpoint without proper inspection, which makes forums a little hard to rely on. In essence, you are going to have to initiate a trial and error process. Run through the suggestions you read on forums until you find a solution that works.

The How-To Alternative

It takes time to find a forum that addresses your particular problem, which is the reason some people take a more direct approach and try to find blog posts related to their problem. Blog posts are great resources for those trying to fix a website or repair a smartphone, but they often act as a springboard for readers to find further information. Whether it’s a blog post about the best WordPress Ecommerce plugins or content discussing how to salvage a malfunctioning laptop, the hard reality is you can only provide so much information in one post. Fortunately, many blogs provide links which help readers continue their pursuit of specific information.

Online Repair

Another option you have is finding an online service that helps you repair your tech for a price. There are two ways these companies can help you do this; one is to troubleshoot your tech remotely and the other involves you sending in your device for repairs. You are going to have to pay a significant amount when you work with these online repair companies. Furthermore, it can feel a little strange sending in your device, but those who are comfortable should consider this option. Remember to do your research on the company you are considering, and try to read some third party reviews from past customers to get a feel for their work.

DIY Hardware Repair

Consider this option a synthesis of the previous three. By going to an online resource like iFixit, folks can consult user-made complete disassembly and installation guides for virtually all brands of hardware including Apple and Samsung. It may require buying specific tools meant for repairing computer chips and soldering electronics, but these kits are relatively affordable compared to some of the quotes you’ll get taking your device into a big box store with a repair desk.

Brick and Mortar

Those who feel a little uncomfortable sending in their electronics to an online repair shop may want to try to find a regular repair shop nearby. These are not as popular but they do exist. You may have to drive a while to find a good one, but it allows you to take care of your device without relying on online options. Some of these repair shops do have steep prices, so be prepared to spend some money though this does depend on what is happening with your device.

These are just some options you have to troubleshoot or repair your electronics, apps, software, and other tech. All have their pros and cons, so figure out which one works best for you. It may be smart to start with the free options and move from there unless you are uncomfortable tinkering with electronics and code.