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Importance of a Strong Work Culture

The organizational culture or corporate culture is all that a company’s routine implies and functions as a guideline to guide the behavior and mentality of its members. That is their practices, habits, behaviors, symbols, values, principles, beliefs, policies, systems, among other issues.

In this way, the essence of a company’s culture is expressed by the way in which it does its business, the way it treats its customers and employees, the degree of autonomy or freedom that exists in its units or offices, and the degree of loyalty expressed by its employees with the company.

The organizational culture represents the perceptions of the leaders and officials of the organization and reflects the mentality that predominates in the organization. For this reason, it determines the administration of people. Dave Cole Fox is an ardent proponent of the idea that a strong work culture should be a priority for every executive management of an organization. Fox, a pioneer of human resource management, recruitment expert, entrepreneur and Founder of Focus GTS has helped organizations and professionals explore their core abilities and navigate their positions up positively in a workplace.

For years, Fox has helped his clients with practical advice and quantifiable resources to win the important aspects of a job, including work enrichment, promotions, work satisfaction, further education, on-the-job training, etc.

To be able to adopt the organizational culture, a company must:

  1. Be clear about your objectives, values ​​, and principles

The company must have its objectives clear, defined, formally established, and oriented in the medium and long term. In this way, all employees must have access to their objectives, have defined the values ​​and principles, being remembered periodically

  1. Integration and communication

The structure of the organization allows internal communication between the various levels in a simple and open way. Having also the collaboration and association as an existing means as mutual aid, being both internally and externally.

The communication must be flexible between subordinates and managers. The “open doors” policy should be encouraged by managers until it is common in the organization.

  1. The opening to new ideas

It refers to the degree to which the company is dynamic, is attentive to changes, has a sense of opportunity, sets goals, is a trend leader, and creates a motivating environment. In that environment, the company values ​​and encourages the new ideas of its employees. Financial incentives can be made as prizes for an economy in the change of some process, create a suggestion box, have periodic meetings between sectors in the search for improvements, create an improvement group, etc.

Although this depends on the way you use communication, the company must be open to the point that the employee has the audacity to expose and create new methods and procedures. It is a job that can bring results in the short, medium, or long term.

  1. Learning

The company must stimulate and provide professional development opportunities for employees. This can be done with internal courses, financial aid in studies (faculty, language course, specific professionalizing courses, etc.).


It can be implemented with the dissemination of a new employee valuation policy encouraging studies, having a very good result.

  1. Criteria for recruitment, selection, promotion of employees

The types of people who are hired and those who succeed are those who accept and behave according to the values ​​of the organization. Recruitment and selection of personnel must be carried out by qualified professionals, where professionals are sought that fit the vacancy profile and the objectives of the organization.

With a good, established organizational culture, the most common benefits are: