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Is Coffee Good for your Liver?

Coffee is not only good for keeping you refreshed and focused. It looks like drinking more of it might help reduce liver damage caused by too much eating and drinking alcohol. According to some recently published studies, 2 additional cups of coffee a day can contribute to up to 44% lower risk of developing liver cirrhosis.

Cirrhosis kills hundreds of thousands of people every year. It is caused by excessive alcohol consumption, immune disorders, hepatitis infections, and fatty liver disease (which is linked to obesity).

Cirrhosis is potentially fatal and there is no cure for it. Therefore, the discovery that the risk of developing cirrhosis can be seriously reduced by coffee consumption is really important. The beauty of it is that coffee is a cheap and well-tolerated beverage, and almost everybody in the world has access to it.

Research conducted among 2000 patients with cirrhosis showed that increasing coffee consumption by 2 cups daily led to a significant reduction in the risk of developing this medical condition.

Data from another study shows that the risk of cirrhosis continues to decline with every additional cup of coffee drank during the day. Researchers concluded that compared to no coffee consumption, one cup a day was tied to a 22% lower risk of cirrhosis, with 2 cups it drops with 40%, and with 3 cups – 55 %.

Also, there was a study showing filtered coffee is better than boiled coffee, when it comes to reducing the risk of cirrhosis. On the other hand, if you want to enjoy the best flavor of coffee, you have to go for the whole beans coffee.

Most of the studies are based around just one of the causes of cirrhosis – alcohol consumption, but other cirrhosis risk factors like obesity and diabetes are not accounted for.

The fact that coffee is good for your liver doesn’t mean you have to consume it loaded with sugar, cream, and milk. This definitely is not a good way to prevent liver disease, but on the contrary – this may neutralize the effect of the coffee.

Researchers don’t know exactly which of the hundreds of chemical compounds found in the coffee are responsible for protecting the liver. Also, coffee is not some magical substance that can counteract lifestyle choices that can severely harm your liver.

It is true that coffee contains antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties, but it is not so powerful to undo the damage, caused by obesity, or excessive alcohol consumption. Drinking a cup or two of coffee every day won’t magically make your diet and lifestyle healthy.

Coffee not only can protect (to a certain point) your liver, but it also will boost your energy levels through the day, make you feel happier, protect you from diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease, reduce depression, prevent cavities, and reduce the risk of heart failure. By drinking it in moderate amounts (2 cups a day), you will be able to enjoy its benefits, without suffering the consequences of overdoing it. Coffee is the perfect way to start your day. It will help you be healthier and happier while facing the challenges of life.