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Miracle Happens When You Include Sesame Seeds To Your Diet!

Read out all major health benefits that sesame seeds provide.

Why should birds have all the fun? That’s an old story when your grand ancestors gave sesame seeds to the birds as a food or enjoyed with a burger bap or prawn toast. These miracle seeds are power house of healthy nutrients. The plant of sesame is one of the oldest cultivated items across the world and is also popular oil seed used in domestic and professional kitchens as well.

Though we can’t assure you that sesame seeds help in keep you look younger, yet it is significant seed that is good for skin. In this post, we will learn all major health benefits of sesame seeds that will show you why it is a great option to include these tiny yet nutritional seeds to your diet.

1. Makes Hair and Skin Healthy Looking

Sesame seeds hold many complex B vitamins that are crucial for many body parts of human, including skin, eyes, and hair. These B vitamins include niacin, folic acid, thiamin, riboflavin, and pyridoxine.

2. Sesame Seeds are the House of Boosting Minerals

You can avail minerals like copper, calcium, and magnesium from sesame seeds. If you are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or respiratory problems, then you can include sesame seeds to your diet to get relief from such issues.

3. Great Fiber and Protein Source

They may seem smaller in size, but sesame seeds are really big when it comes to delivering protein and fiber content to human body. Just in case you are allergic to dairy products, you can still have a hope to get calcium content by including sesame seeds to your diet. You can dress up your salad with sesame seeds and eat them raw. These are having great nutty flavor- you won’t regret eating them!

4. Stronger Bones

Sesame seeds have good amount of calcium and zinc and both of these minerals play a significant role in making the bones stronger. When you include Indian sesame seeds to your diet, you will remain safe against the risk of osteoporosis.

There are many ways to have sesame seeds- you can sprinkle a few amount of seeds on your salad. You can even make a bread-spread by mixing butter with sesame seeds. You can even try making multi seed bread at home- it’s a new way to include all healthy seeds in diet without boring experience.