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Optimizing Website SEO – Simple Tips that Go a Long Way

Optimizing Website SEO – Simple Tips that Go a Long Way

SEO – referencing your website in search engines – is a crucial technique to attract more visitors and convert them into customers. How does a visitor come across a new page? Many people end up wasting thousands of dollars on SEO with no benefit whatsoever. Companies such as Soderman Marketing offer tailored techniques to businesses and owners, specializing in SEO and other forms of digital marketing. As a website owner, you need to take SEO seriously. Here are a few SEO tips to put into practice right now.

Write Content for Your Audience

This may seem obvious for some but SEO marketers say that they meet dozens of prospects whose pages speak only of their company.

From their products.

Of their services.

Events in which they participate.

Do you understand the point? Maybe you even recognize your website?

Study in detail your pages, articles, news and other news of your site and ask yourself how an unknown visitor could arrive on these pages if he does not know you?

Because that’s all there is to it: to win customers with your website, you have to attract people who do not know you and therefore will never enter the name of your company on Google. The content you publish must speak to your prospects, must speak their language, and must provide answers to their problems. If your content is not geared to the audience you want to reach, your SEO efforts will be in vain. Your website will not be well referenced.

Identify Highly Accurate Topics

A first SEO study of competitors in your market can sometimes be like a cold slap on the back. You realize that on the keywords related to your activity, your competitors are all in front of you. By identifying very specific themes in relation to your activity, you will be able to write content by positioning yourself on a set of very specific keywords.

Thus, for a real estate search, for example, the terms “roofing” and “roof” are too generic. A more specific keyword might be necessary. A page of your site built around this combination of keywords will have a low but highly qualified number of visits. It is, therefore, more efficient to attract more qualified visitors to focus on long tail queries rather than being drowned in the generic keywords.

Be consistent in your efforts

To attract more visitors to your website through SEO, you start a marathon and not a sprint. By that, I mean that creating content to attract more traffic to your website from the search engines must be done over time. That is at least 6 months of creating high value-added content to achieve meaningful results. If instead, you concentrate your efforts on a few weeks in the year very intensely, it is a safe bet that the number of new visitors will be random. It’s recommended that you hire a reputable company like Soderman Marketing to help you with your marketing efforts.