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Organic Solutions To Removing Odor And Bacteria From Carpets

Organic Solutions To Removing Odor And Bacteria From Carpets

You may have found the best carpet for your home, but just like any other household item with fibers, it also catches dirt, dust mites, pet hair and urine, bacteria, and many other types of allergens. In fact, believe it or not, your carpet can hold as much as four times their weight or more in dirt! That’s why it’s important to clean it regularly—not only to keep it from collecting allergens and bacteria from spreading but also to preserve it and maintain its “clean carpet smell,” especially if you have pets and children at home.

Carpet and rug owners are usually advised to hire professional carpet cleaning services but they can be pretty costly. But if you can’t afford to have your rug professionally cleaned at least twice every year, you can help maintain your carpet and prolong its lifespan by cleaning it yourself with organic solutions. From deodorizers to homemade solutions, we’ve gathered plenty of alternatives that you can resort to, to get rid of odors and bacteria in your carpet.

Homemade Carpet Cleaner

Unlike store-bought, chemical-based carpet cleaners, homemade carpet cleaners are both inexpensive and safe to use. They are also great at removing stains and bad odors from carpets. If you prefer the latter, these recipes for a powdered carpet cleaner can help you out.

What You’ll Need


You can also get rid of bad carpet odour using this aromatic, non-toxic carpet cleaner:

What You’ll Need


Natural Carpet Deodorizer

When your carpet smells good, your house is likely to smell good, too. Keep both of them fresh and away from bad smells with this recipe with natural carpet deodorizing effects.

What You’ll Need


The next recipe works similarly and includes all-organic ingredients, except it has a fresh citrus scent to make your carpet smell even better.

What You’ll Need


Pet Odor Neutralizer

If you’re a pet owner, you may have seen your furry companions slipping or urinating on the carpet. Aside from the minor risk of them damaging the carpet design with their nails, there’s the bigger danger of their waste sticking and ruining the smell of your carpet. Urine gives off a strong ammonia odour that can make your carpet and house smell bad, which can be embarrassing to visitors. The following method can help eliminate this problem.

What You’ll Need
