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Post-Acne Skin Care: 4 Expert Dermatology Tips

Living with acne can literally feel like you are fighting a battle with your skin every single day. However, when the breakouts begin to clear up and subside, you’re left with damaged skin that needs some extra tender loving care to get it back to a clear, healthy state. Acne scars can often seem uglier than the condition itself, and many people who have them spend a great deal of time wondering if there is anything more that they can do to cover them up more thoroughly or remove them from their face entirely. So, we’ve put together the best tips from expert dermatologists to help you make the best post-acne decisions when caring for your skin.

Tip #1. Choose Products Wisely:

The products that you use on your face when recovering from acne can have a significant effect on your skin’s healing. Bear in mind that products made with harsh chemicals may irritate your sensitive skin around acne scars and in the worst-case scenario, could cause a fresh break-out to occur. Even if you’re pretty sure that your acne isn’t on its way back anytime soon, gentle, chemical-free products are always better for your face. Skincare products containing natural aloe vera are recommended for fading acne scars.

Tip #2. Improve Your Diet:

Don’t forget that when you start to see your acne clearing up, it’s important to give it a helping hand by cleaning up your diet and paying more attention to the foods that you eat. Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, filling up on healthy lean proteins, and trying to minimise your consumption of dairy products can often be a winning diet formula for those hoping to get rid of acne for good. If you’re in doubt about what to eat for your skin, speak to your doctor or dermatologist.

Tip #3. Professional Treatment:

If you really want to get rid of your acne scars, then you might want to consider going for a professional dermatological treatment at The London Dermatology Centre. Microdermabrasion, chemical peels, and specialised acne and acne scar removal treatment programs are available for anybody who is hoping for the best results for their skin.

Tip #4. Focus on Hydration:

To ensure that your skin gets a full and healthy recovery, it’s important to focus on keeping it hydrated. You can do this from the inside by drinking plenty of water each day; increase your water intake to at least two litres daily for the best results. On top of this, don’t forget to use a good moisturising product – a moisturiser that contains SPF (sun protection factor) is a must for keeping your skin hydrated and protected throughout the day, whilst a high-quality anti-aging pack for the evening will encourage your skin to regenerate and improve overnight. When you wash your face, use a hydrating toner to limit dryness and lock moisture into your skin.

Suffering with acne can leave your skin scarred and marked, but there are several strategies that you can start using to improve the appearance of your face straight away.