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Pushchair Trends (2018)

Pushchair Trends (2018)

Planning in 2018 to purchase travel systems?

Whether you are an experienced parent or expecting your first child and would love to keep the trend of your pushchairs and your travel systems, here are some trends that you expect in 2018.

Babystyle Oyster 3

This pushchair is the newest and very popular version of Babystyle’s. Oyster 3 has various features which include; a large basket, sturdy frame, good maneuverability and designed in the form of a compact fold. Oyster 3 is lighter in weight, has a smaller width despite it being of the same size with the previous version and has a stylish leatherette trimming and a footrest made of metal. It is suitable for parents looking stylish single pushchairs that are affordable.

Seed Papilio

The Papilio is made of fewer plastics parts and has a look that is unusual. It has a magnesium frame that is compact and can carry up to a weight of 23 kilograms. Additionally, the pushchairs are tilt-proof. It is suitable for parents looking for stylish and premium prams for newborns and infants.

Mutsy i2

Mutsy i2 is a convertible pushchair with a double buggy. This means that it can be used as a double or single pushchair. The pushchair is best for parents looking for luxurious pushchairs and those who want to double their ego since you are only required to purchase a second seat and an adaptor. Nio is another Mutsy version expected in 2018 which is a single compact buggy that is suitable for tough and rough terrain since its wheels are foam-filled and mixed with rubber. Musty Nio is one of the most luxurious travel systems of 2018.

Britax Holiday double

Britax is suitable for parents with twins who are looking for a pushchair that is space saving. It weighs 8 kilograms and is suitable for infants aged 6 months and weighs up to 15kg. It has double baskets which are capable of holding 5 kilograms. It has a compact fold, which makes it ideal for less or short spaces.

iCandy Peach all-terrain Land Rover Edition

icandy is an all-terrain luxury pushchair which differs from the previous version since it has wheels which are larger, matching rucksack, rubber tires that are puncture-proof and a refined suspension. Its suitable for meeting your storage needs. It has a design that is perfectly matched with Landrover grille with orange accents throughout and a silver frame.

Thule Urban Glide Double

Suitable for parents who are sporty and who want to keep fit using a double buggy for jogging. The double version is more impressive compared to the previous version pushchair. It weighs 14 kilograms and is suitable for 6 months old and can carry up to a weight of 45 kilograms which makes it suitable for two children who are 6-years old.

Mamas & Papa Armadillo Twin

This pushchais are the best option for parents who are looking for a double pushchairs. It is suitable for parents with two children. The Armadillo twin has been versatile just like the single original. The pushchair features an easy and compact fold, which is up to 15 kilograms and has a seat that is near-flat.