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Relaxing on the Green: 4 Tips for the New Golfer

Golf is one of the most popular sports in the world. Due to the fact that it is low impact and can be played by people of all ages, it is a great way to stay active and enjoy a fun sport for your entire life. While golf can be very fun, some people can get frustrated or stressed playing it. Fortunately, there are several tips that can be followed that could allow even the most novice player to have fun on the course.

Dress the Part 

When you are looking to go golfing, it is important that you are dressed correctly. All golfers today will be expected to dress in accordance with course policies. This will normally include wearing golf shoes, shorts or golf pants, and a collared shirt. Even if they are not required, golf apparel can help you to look and feel good on the course.

Focus on Form 
For you to be a good golfer you will need to have good form. While the best players seem like they can hit the ball a mile, those that are able to do so consistently actually have very good form. If you would like to do better on the course, you will need to spend time learning the right way to take a shot. This will help you to become a better overall player.

Short Game 
If you are looking to improve your golf score, the biggest area of focus should be on your short game. While many people go to the range and practice with their driver, the average golfer spend more than half their shots within 100 feet of the hole. Because of this, you can do much better if you learn to chip and put.

Have Fun 
While golf can be a frustrating sport to play, you need to remember to have fun while you are on the course. Nothing is better than spending an afternoon out on the course. If you can remain calm, you could have a great time. If you are constantly stressed and down about your score, you will not enjoy yourself as much. Because of this, you should surround yourself with people that you like to play with and want to enjoy being around.

Ultimately, when you are trying golf, you need to remember to be patient. If you are frustrated on the course you will lose focus and will not perform as well. Spending time concentrating and remaining calm will go a long way.