Just to clear something up, I’m not being a hypocrite here and “whining” about this issue. I want to share my thoughts with you regarding people who complain non-stop, and at the same time make some of you realize that excessive complaining about your bad experiences will not get you anywhere!
I have met some people online who were sending their complaints to me via MSN OR e-mail almost everyday about their unfortunate internet marketing experiences. Ladies and gentlemen, they did continually send me messages without fail — even though I wasn’t replying to them! I have no idea why they were doing that to me, it’s not like I’m their counselor or something.
The thing is, they don’t realize that what they’re doing is just hindering them from attaining success. Sure, they can complain all they want, they have the right — I give them that. Nevertheless, if they’re complaining that their online businesses are not improving, then I guess I would say that they MUST stop whining AND start working in order for them to get what they want!
Whiners Are Losers
Why do internet marketers whine? It’s most probably because they fail(ed) at what they wanted to accomplish. To add some spice to this post, let me tell a story about a Thomas Alva Edison, a famous scientist that you should have heard of already.
Thomas Edison is credited for the invention of the light bulb. I reckon a lot of you know that he had failed more than 500 times in creating the light bulb, but did you know that he did not think of those as failures?
He once said, “I have not failed 700 times. I have not failed once. I have succeeded in proving that those 700 ways will not work. When I have eliminated the ways that will not work, I will find the way that will work.” [source]
Did he complain? No. Did he stop working on it? No. Instead, he continued on until he reached his goal, that is to create a light bulb! Now, he is known for what he did and humanity has thanked him for it. He is a winner.
Think about it this way: when you whine (instead of work), you are accomplishing nothing. Well, maybe you’re getting your thoughts heard, but then again that’s it. Nothing productive, just your feelings released to the public. What do we call people who use up a lot of their time doing something, and in the end not coming up with something good? Losers! I’m not saying that it’s bad to share your thoughts, or in some cases complaints, with others. I’m just saying that doing it excessively could result into unproductive use of your time.
If you’re still not convinced that whining makes you a loser, then here’s a little something I want to share with you.
“You only reduce your distance to success when you start working, not when you start whining.”
– Me 😛
I hope I inspired you today. Wait! This post is not over yet. I, too, tend to complain sometimes. I have a counteraction to defeat my “complaining side” though, and that is focus.
Focus, Focus, Focus
If I were to give a one-word tip to internet marketers, it would be “Focus, focus, focus.” But that’s three words, right? No, there’s only one word there: focus, with a multiplicity of 3. 🙂 I probably can not stress on this more, but in order to finish whatever you’re doing, you have to concentrate on it and do all that you can to achieve your goals.
Instead of whining your heart out, why not (whine not?
Whining will not get you anywhere near success. Just think of Thomas Alva Edison whenever you’re about to whine because of your failures. He “failed” nearly a thousand times, but did he complain? No. He just worked on what he’s doing and eventually, he succeeded. Also, to further eliminate the thought of whining, try to focus heavily on your goal and what you’re currently doing. By doing so, the mere idea of uttering a complaint would soon diminish.
Have a great day everyone, I’m looking forward to your comments on this one. 😉