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Suffering from Sleep Apnea: How You Can Rest A Little Quieter At Night

Suffering from Sleep Apnea: How You Can Rest A Little Quieter At Night

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that many people face. Whether a person is taking a nap or a deep sleep, their breathing is impacted by sleep apnea. While they’re asleep, they temporarily stop breathing. If it happens often enough, a person can die from it. One of the results of sleep apnea is very loud snoring. If you’re currently suffering from sleep apnea and would like to experience a healthier and quieter rest, consider these tips.

Prop the Head Up

There are people who experience sleep apnea when they’re sleeping flat on their back. Instead, try to sleep with the upper body elevated. Put a few pillows behind your back and prop the head up. If you can prop your head up four to six inches, this can help alleviate the symptoms a bit.

Maintain a Sleep Schedule

Though many people love to be free spirits and do what they want when they feel like, the body isn’t the same way. The human body thrives off of schedules and cycles like the circadian rhythm. Knowing this, it’s wise to implement a sleep schedule. Once your body gets used to going to bed at a decent hour (before 11 p.m.) and waking up at a consistent time, your quality of sleep will increase. Develop a nighttime routine that helps you relax and unwind before it’s time to go to bed. This one step can really help decrease your symptoms as stress plays a big role in lack of sleep.

See a Doctor

Make an appointment with a sleep apnea doctor. In many cases, they’ll have you stay overnight in the hospital so that they can conduct a sleep study. The sleep study might be a little uncomfortable to experience. However, it’ll allow the doctors to get an understanding of how serious your sleep apnea is. It’ll also allow them to figure out the best treatment for recovery.

Lose Extra Pounds

Most people look at extra pounds on their bellies and thighs and complain. However, extra weight can manifest through additional tissue in the throat. This extra tissue makes it more difficult to support proper air circulation. When the air doesn’t flow to the lungs properly, this can result in sleep apnea symptoms.

While it might be something you’re tempted to deal with at another time, it’s best to handle it sooner rather than later. You don’t want to end up in a position where you can breathe and you end up dying in your sleep. Plus, this disorder is totally reversible. You don’t have to struggle with it forever.