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Sustainable Ways To Save Energy This Summer

Saving energy equals saving money and with summer right around the corner you could use all the extra cash you can get!  At Modernize, we believe that these simple and quick sustainable ways to save energy this summer will have you on the right track!

1. Use A Drying Rack Or Clothesline 

Chances are, you’ll be doing even more laundry come summer. Kids get their clothes dirty as soon as they bounce out the back door and grass stains are a pain to get out. Although we all realize that hanging clothes to dry saves on energy, it’s easy to forget just how much of a difference it makes. Did you know that your clothes dryer is the third-most-energy-hungry appliance in most households? According to Green America, “air-drying your clothes can reduce the average household’s carbon footprint by a whopping 2,400 pounds a year.” Now, before throwing those t-shirts in the dryer, why not let them get some fresh air by hanging them up instead?

 2. Set Your Thermostat A Little Higher 

It’s easy to have your air conditioning blasting as soon as it hits eighty degrees. No one likes a hot house. To save on energy, though, you can use ceiling fans. By circulating air, it will seem cooler without having to have your air conditioning on super high. Consumer Energy Center suggests setting your thermostat on 78 when you’re home and 85 when you’re away. Another great way to save on energy and keep your bills low this summer is by installing a smart thermostat. Newer thermostats can monitor your energy usage and adjust accordingly.

3. Switch To Energy Efficient Bulbs


Saving money and energy is as easy as changing a lightbulb, or two! If you haven’t already begun switching your light bulbs to energy efficient ones, this summer is a great time to do it. If saving up to $75 a year sounds like a good plan, suggests “replacing your home’s five most frequently used light fixtures or bulbs with models that have earned the Energy Star.” There are three main types of energy efficient light bulbs: halogen incandescents, compact fluorescent lights (CFLs), and light emitting diode lights (LEDs). You can find these new alternative light bulbs at most stores and can check to see if they’ve earned an Energy Star. To see how much you’re saving, visit and you can see an Energy Savings Calculator!

4. Keep the Fridge Closed


When you’re opening and closing your refrigerator, you’re wasting energy. Every little bit adds up over time. It’s a good idea to close your fridge quickly. Another way to save on energy is to avoid placing warm items in your fridge. By doing this, you cause your fridge it to work extra hard. Let items cool to room temperature before putting them away. Good Housekeeping encourages its readers to avoid leaving the fridge open too:  “That open door accounts for 7% of the appliances’ total energy use, according to Home Energy Magazine.”

5. Turn Down Your Water Heater Temperature


Who takes hot showers in the summer anyway? A quick way to save energy is by turning down your water heater temperature. Energy.Gov says that you can save anywhere between $12 to $30 annually for each 10 degree deduction! If you look at your thermostat, it’s probably set to 140 degrees. You really only need your water heater to be set to 120. The process to reduce the temperature is easy and can be done without any outside help. You can visit Energy.Gov for full step-by-step instructions!