Incredible Mag

Teacher Education and Teacher Quality

Education is the most important thing for development. An important obstacle is the quality of teachers. Without good teachers there can be no good education. Here we must change the system of teacher training, as well as the quality that applies.

Why Teacher Quality Matter

Students are the raw material with which we build our future and the hands of the craftsman are the teacher who can turn it into a masterpiece or an irrelevant piece.

The answer to how to do it well and amend what you have should be done by moving action immediately, with a clear vision of where we want to go. We have a significant deficit in the quality of teachers and in terms of the conditions in which they work there is much to correct.


An integral vision leads to the question who educates the educator ?, who forms the trainer ?, with what resources and under what conditions? Do we have a quality system, are there good institutions and programs to train teachers?

Obstacle in Teaching Quality

The answer to all these questions is unfortunately no. We have a poor system of teacher trainers. Both private and national universities do not form quality educators, there are many causes for discussion in a column, but it is recognized that the deterioration has been a multi-causal process over time. The most important thing is after seeing the diagnosis takes the path to correct that situation.

Does Students Care

The sad reality is that teaching is on the students’ top priorities, on possible compensation issues, conditions complicated by violence that surrounds schools and move to rural areas, uncomfortable and dangerous. In some cases the students undergo tests and their average does not give them for more and that they choose the teaching by default.

Improving Quality

For the situation to be different we must find a way to offer a higher remuneration to teachers and to have a greater recognition in society as it used to be, the teacher occupying a place of respect in the community.


Much of the current payroll is redeemable; and if you do not form the ideal selection everyone should have the opportunity. For that MINED is committed to a program of recycling and improvement of teaching.

Experts recommend that to change a complete government structure, staffing of government or government bureaucracy, it is almost impossible to turn the existing. Some are already impossible to improve or do not want and second because the resistance to change is great in any organization and in this case much greater.

To do this they recommend creating new cadres of prepared people who work in parallel with the organization that we intend to change, aware that this parallel structure will be the definitive one in time, but it takes years and will face resistance, it requires a lot of will.

Last Words

There are few things so important in a country as having good teachers like speedyessay to train those who will build the country of the future. But it takes years and will face resistance; it requires a lot of will. In a sufficient time this structure becomes the one that the system needs, along the way and in a combined way it is advanced with people who can recycle from the current system and join this column of vanguard and changes. There are few things so important in a country as having good teachers to train those who will build the country of the future.