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The Benefits Of Medical Marijuana You Need To Know About

The Benefits of Medical Marijuana You Need To Know About

The benefits of marijuana go back as far as 2737 BC, when the writing of Chinese Emperor Shen Nung, advocated its use. The first use of marijuana was for psychoactive agents. Within the writings, marijuana’s power as medication was always focused on, and it was lauded for its ability to cure issues like gout, rheumatism, malaria, and even absent-mindedness. The importance of the medicinal values was mostly focused upon its intoxication properties. Word of its benefits spread all the way from China to India, and then to North Africa. It reached the doors of Europe in the early 500 AD. Marijuana was listed in the United States Pharmacopeia from 1850 to 1942. It had been prescribed for different medical issues such as nausea, labor pain, and rheumatism.

Here are some benefits of medical marijuana that you need to know about:

It slows down and stops the cancer cells from spreading

It was found in the study that was published in Molecular Cancer Therapeutics that the cannabidiol has the capability of stopping cancer by turning off the gene called Is-1. In the year 2007, researchers at the California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco reported that CBD might prevent cancer from spreading even. Researchers discovered this when they experimented on breast cancer cells in the lab that had higher levels of Id-1, treating them with cannabidiol. The outcome of it was positive, and the cells had decreased in Id-1 expression since there were less aggressive spreaders. The American Association for Cancer Research found that cannabis usually works to slow down the tumor growth within breasts, brain, and lungs.

Prevents Alzheimer’s disease

THC is an active ingredient that is present in marijuana, and it slows down the progress of Alzheimer’s disease. It was discovered in a study led by Kim Janda of the Scripps Research institute in 2006. THC slows the formation of amyloid plaques by blocking off the enzyme in the brain that makes them. These plaques have the function of killing off brain cells and possibly leading to Alzheimer’s disease.

Relief from Arthritis

In the year 2011, researchers reported that cannabis has the capability to reduce pain and inflammation. It is also thought to promote sleep, which further helps in relieving pain and discomfort for people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. The researchers in the rheumatology units at several hospitals give their patients Sativex, which is a cannabinoid-based pain-relieving medicine. After two weeks, the patients on Sativex had a significant reduction in pain and also experienced an improved quality of sleep as compared to those who used placebos.

This is why hapac®’s ready to use small filter paper sachets are such a good choice. Pre-ground herbal cannabis is designed for dry vaporizers. These sachets usually allow cannabis to be heated gently, which in turn creates inhalable vapors. As opposed to other products within the market, there is no cannabis wasted, no burning, and the toxicants are drastically reduced.