Incredible Mag

The Essentials of Blogging

One could find that beginning a blog to be quite difficult and may put off many people. Some are really motivated at first but they soon become discouraged when people do not comment or visit their blogs. There are millions of bloggers and only over a hundred thousand are visited. The following tips can be used by the bloggers who are starting out and want to stand out from the crowd.

• One should Post regularly on the blog however, one should not post if they have nothing that is worth posting.
• One should also stick to certain genres
• Links such as ‘vote me’, ’subscribe’ at the page at the front of the blog. This is because it can put off some new visitors to your blog.
• Use a very clean and the simplest theme possible
• If one visits other people’s blogs, comment on them, they will obviously visit your blog.
• One should always have fun blogging because it should be so.

Before one proceeds with blogging, one needs to ask themselves if they a blog is really the right thing to do. Blogs are exactly not the ultimate kind of websites. This means that it is not exactly the best way of obtaining a presence on the web. Blogs do not suit all application and every situation. They do not contain all the answers.

It is after one analyzing ones needs, their personality, experiences, hopes and even the style that one finds if blogging fits well for their purposes however other applications on the web may fit
better where one is at. One should not rush into blogging and then expect the world. One should ask themselves the following questions before they can get into blogging.

1. Does one enjoy writing? Blogs are largely in a medium that is written medium. If one does not like writing, chances are that one will not relish blogging.

2. What is the message that one wants to pass across? – Whereas there are so many blogging applications, the main reason for blogging is passing across a certain message. If one has a message that they want to communicate to a certain audience, being a blogger might help one to pass the message but it might not even that message.

3. If one is an excellent communicator it is an added advantage. Though not every good communicator should have a blog, it is an excellent way of passing the message. Those who are not very good communicators could learn to improve on their communication skills and become excellent communicators

4. One should ask themselves what they are best at. They should choose between speaking and writing. If one likes speaking more than writing, they could consider a website that is video based or a podcasting.

5. Though blogs are excellent at community building, they mostly feature a single person; the person is the central voice in the discussion. If one is looking for a place where anyone can start a discussion, a forum is the best medium for such a person.

6. It takes a self-starter for one to start a blog. One must take the initiative. It is easier these days to start one because the software’s are more advanced but only a motivated person can get a blog off the ground.

7. Blogs need to be updated and checked regularly, only a person with self-discipline can be so motivated to update their blogs daily.

8. One should also have time for a blog. This is because blogs take time to update articles, to moderate comments, to respond to the questions of the readers, read the bloggers comments and posts and also to form a network and connect with other bloggers.

9. A blogger must be thick skinned this is because one will always be critiqued.