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Things To Know About The Mobile Advertising Market

So you want to reach customers in the mobile advertising market. Here are some of the things that you need to know in order to do so. Did you know that marketing departments of most businesses and advertising agencies are always in search of new and innovative ways of promoting their businesses in addition to attracting more customers?

Most mobile advertising market ad platforms are now open and this has given startups as well as other tech companies an opportunity to plug in and take advantage of the feature sets. With the ad technology currently being API driven, e-newsletter ad platform is one of the marketing tactics that has significantly gained momentum. The use of this platform involves sending targeted promo ad content to a targeted group consumer with an aim of increasing a business’s bottom line while at the same time creating awareness and loyalty.

The increase in momentum in the use of newsletter ad platform can be attributed to some advantages that it has over the other platforms. However, despite the increase in its popularity, its full potential is yet to be realized as most of the publishers have yet to take advantage of this platform. In fact, most of the publishers fail to appreciate the fact that subscribers to their newsletter ads have decided to receive the e-newsletters and read them.

Some of the advantages include:

Reduced Cost of Advertising

One of the biggest advantages of this platform is the low cost involved. As opposed to the traditional advertising platforms, newsletter ads costs are only associated with the services offered by the email service provider like Gmail or Yahoo. In most cases, a company never uses its emailing system for the ads; instead it pays an email provider to handle it at a cost which is comparatively cheaper than traditional methods like printing and mailing.

Offers Targeted Marketing Services

Newsletter ad platforms offer an opportunity to reach out to a target audience as the involved consumers have initially expressed interest in receiving product or service updates. Consumers usually sign up to receive the newsletters either through the company’s websites or via other means like social media. In fact, some of the customers usually have an established relationship with the company and usually find time to read the newsletter ads. Companies usually make sure that they never get backlisted for spamming, as this would otherwise render their whole campaign ineffective.

There Is Added Value With the Use of Newsletter Ads

In order for a newsletter ad to be consider effective it needs to engage the consumer and get them to pay attention to the content of the advertisement. Companies have realized the effectiveness of this platform and they are currently engaged in techniques of improving the level of their content engagement thus building loyalty.

To learn more about the mobile advertising market, visit LiveIntent.