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Tips For Caring Environment

Are you concerned about the environment? Do not feel discouraged. You as an individual can make a difference. To help you, here we have compiled a list of tips and practical actions that can be performed without much effort and with them take the first step toward a more sustainable future.

Most of the tips are not only good for the environment but also for our health and our pocket.

Simple Tips for Caring for the Environment

1. Promote public transport. Car travel accounted for half of the total CO2 emissions from the transport sector and the majority is generated travel from home to work or school, and vice versa. Use public transportation in most urban trips, like taking the kids to school (they can take walk) and for journeys to work you can use public transportation or car pooling, or you can choose to buy an electric car or using the bicycle.

2. Eat foods in season. Now supermarkets source their products brought from far away. This requires large amounts of energy to produce them. Besides being cheaper, they are more fresh, tasty and nutritious.

3. Turns off the light. The rooms that are not used should remain dark and should replace bulbs throughout the house for low power consumption. This allows save money and reduces our carbon footprint. The light bulbs are true that they are more expensive but they last ten times longer, which saves.

4. Use the dishwasher instead of washing dishes by hand. There is an appliance that actually reduces our energy consumption at the same time makes our life easier is the dishwasher. Washing dishes by hand with hot water can be up to 60% more expensive than a modern dishwasher fully loaded.

5. Cotton Cheats. Cotton garments can be considered a good choice. However, the cotton industry has serious environmental consequence arising from the need for large quantities of water for production and use of pesticides.

Until the 60s the Aral Sea was the fourth largest lake in the world. The Soviets diverted major rivers supplying the lake for use to irrigate vast cotton extensions. Due to this indiscriminate use of water, the lake was shrinking and in 1990 was just 25% of the original surface, killing fish and plants native to the area, and livelihood of many families.

Use natural clothing organic production. For example the benefits of organic cotton are for both our health and the environment because it is cultivated and grows in fields free of pesticides; herbicides and synthetic chemical fertilizers fertile soil, and is spun and produced without toxic chemicals.