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Tips To Get Your Kids Into Kitchen

Tips To Get Your Kids Into Kitchen

We send our kids to school so that they learn various subjects and end up choosing the right career path. But, what about the real world education, which will actually help them survive in this world? Well, that’s something every kid learns in his/her home… but how can they be taught the same?

When you think of teaching your kids, you can start with that one thing, which none of us can survive without…food! On a fine day, ask your teenage kid to come and help you in the kitchen and get them interested in cooking or maybe in some other kitchen activity. This way you’ll killing two birds with one stone – your kids will learn how to cook food and you will get benefitted by the little help they’ll provide in the kitchen.

While you teach them some cooking skills, share some kitchen etiquettes too. But, how will you do just that? Below we have mentioned some tips to help you get your kids into kitchen and help you out:

Get involved with them

As you have started getting your kids into the kitchen, don’t keep on forcing them to help you out with food preparation. Remember that phrase, “slow and steady wins the race”? Yeah, that’s what is applicable in such situations. So, when you’re trying to get your kid involved in the kitchen, start with the following activities:

Make them the in-charge

Well, this something very usual, to get all worked up about your kid thinking that since it’s their first time in the kitchen, they might end up burning or cutting their hand. But do not worry and give the command in their hand, and watch them adapt to that role. Maybe you can let them start with small recipes or if they are more enthusiastic about it, then let them get on with their favourite recipes. Once given such an opportunity, they will definitely try to prove their best by taking up the challenge.

Give them a reward

We are all inclined to work harder if we are getting something in return. The way athletes are offered a prize for their hard work and winning the competition, similarly even you should offer your kid something for completing their task. Receiving something good will really make them think about it the whole day and they will definitely be looking forward to get their next reward. So whenever they enter the kitchen to help you out, tell them they will get a big reward for it. Surely, they will come running to you asking for it the next time.

Turn it into a habit

Once you see that your kids are getting better at preparing food, do include them in your daily kitchen activities. The more frequently they are involved in preparing food, the faster it will turn into a habit for them. Afterwards, it will become a part of their routine to carry out kitchen duties.

Set an example

Now that you have set some ground rules for carrying out kitchen duties, set an example by following them yourself. If it is your responsibility to prepare dinner on Wednesday, then you should ensure that you are not skipping it by giving any excuse. In this manner when it’s time for your kid to prepare dinner on Thursday, even they will follow your footsteps and prepare the food. No matter the situation, a discipline will always be maintained in the house in turn making them aware about their responsibilities

Cleaning up

Preparing food is not going to cut it. You also need to teach your children how to clean up the place after the food is devoured. Doing so will help them maintain cleanliness not only in the kitchen, but also in the entire home. When they’ll get habituated of cleaning up the mess all by themselves, you will not have run behind them, asking to make their own bed, cleaning the glassware and shining that designer radiator.

If your kids know how to make their own food, they will not run after the junk that’s being advertised daily. You will also set them on a path of healthy lifestyle by eating home-made food on a daily basis. Getting your kids into kitchen from a young age will definitely help them develop better kitchen skills.