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Top 10 Ideas For Your Own Mobile Application

Top 10 Ideas For Your Own Mobile Application

Many companies have concluded that mobile apps are no longer additional investments. They are in demand, and therefore financial investing in them is simply necessary. Large companies (retailers, banks, and hotel and restaurant business) use mobile applications for branding, expansion of interaction with customers, direct marketing, etc. However, small and medium-sized business owners also keep up. They have picked up a wave of mobile progress and are actively creating their own applications.

These are the latest trends in the development of mobile apps:

  1. IoT – Internet of Things
  2. Speeded up mobile pages
  3. Mobile Payments
  4. Applications of augmented and virtual reality
  5. Applications on Demand (cleaning service; laundry service; beauty salon services; food delivery.)
  6. Applications for organizations and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
  7. Cloud applications
  8. Android Instant Apps
  9. Application security
  10. Artificial intelligence and chatbots.

Before you start running a mobile application, you need to determine which idea will bring you more benefits and revenue, and will increase the involvement of your users in a short period. If you are still looking for the best ideas of mobile applications, this article can expand your knowledge and show ​​some successful ideas for mobile applications. You can choose from this list, which business model can work best for you.

  1. Health and fitness

This subject is very popular, mostly with people, whose age is between 18 and 35. Whether made for Android or iOS, mobile phones or smart clocks, fitness-oriented apps are spreading fast, encouraging users to obtain gains in fitness, health and bodybuilding. While competition is high, companies that offer mobile application development services can benefit greatly from creating unique applications that can analyze the suitability of certain exercises and food for the application users.

  1. Warning of disasters / emergencies

Disasters or emergencies are unpredictable and can cause real panic. That is why this can be one of the brilliant ideas for a mobile application. Today, many applications on the market cover a number of dysfunctional situations and help users get out of them. Such applications usually have an alert function that either prepares you for the upcoming emergencies, or sends an alarm to your list of contacts, as well as to the nearest ambulance.

  1. Planning of holidays and trips

People are always looking for the best online options for their vacation. As a mobile application developer, you should understand that there is a shortage of applications, which can provide detailed information about the various directions for vacations and holidays. Such applications should contain reliable sound information for users. You can create a vacation app that offers advanced features, including calculating cost, finding a taxi or bus, restaurant and bar, cultural and entertainment events, and much more.

  1. Job Search

If you, as a mobile application developer, are thinking about creating an online bulletin board with vacancies for mobile users, this will be one of the unusual ideas for developing a mobile application.

A marketplace that connects job seekers and employers can be a promising solution for a mobile app. Entrepreneurs often use online boards to hire freelancers and permanent workers. Therefore, you can claim a fair profit, helping to create such a highly functional platform along with premium services.

  1. Food delivery

When people, for example, are waiting for guests, they often do not have enough time to cook their own meals. In this case, you can become a developer of a creative mobile application that will help users to order food on time at their favorite restaurant.

This idea of ​​a mobile application can blossom into an excellent and successful startup, because users will surely appreciate the opportunity to access quickly the listed restaurants and cafes in the app and to book the necessary dishes and the desired delivery time.

  1. Daily task management

When working on a digital platform, it is good to have an application that helps users plan and manage their tasks, as well as maintain their motivation. The mobile application developer can make a unique application that reminds users of their daily tasks, such as housework, time limits, tests, workouts and much more. It can interact with the user’s calendar and send reminders.

  1. Gifts for your loved ones

People, who live a busy life, often do not have time to shop and buy gifts for their relatives and friends. Flowers, toys, romantic gift cards can be sent as a gift directly to your loved ones as a surprise. Users can easily connect to the application and select a flower bouquet or other special gifts. If you are a mobile application developer, let users place an online order that is delivered directly to the recipient’s address.

  1. Booking a restaurant

When you have a good mood for dinner, you do not want to spoil it. How about using an application that quickly shows you all the options to choose from? This type of application, created with the requirements of unplanned dinners, will help users book a table at nearby restaurants, offering the cartographic location of the available pubs and restaurants. When booking, users would enjoy minimal effort.

  1. Public Transport

Whether it is a bus or a train, traveling is something that people want to be sure of. New places often confuse certain people. Therefore, you can create an application that helps users decide which type of public transport is the most suitable, convenient, and will save their time. You can even enable offline services to attract more users. One of the examples of the application, which is connected with transport, is rental24h app for car rental.

From time to time people use digital help in dating. Having a mobile application that makes it easy for you to communicate with interesting people and the opportunity to find a partner is one of the viable ideas of mobile applications. You can develop an application that imports users from active media platforms and creates a system that allows two people to search for compatibility. Users often interact with such applications, so success is assured to you.

The development of mobile applications is now at the peak of its capabilities. With the help of an up-to-date modern mobile application, you will easily attract the attention of the target audience to your business. Creating mobile applications will not necessarily be expensive. It all depends on your niche and requirements. Immediately after the development, the application can be launched in less than 2-3 months, including the entire implementation, testing and deployment process.