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As a travel content writer you need money more than any other job doers do. Cause you not only have to make a living out of it but you have to travel as well. Writing your blog is one of the best way to build your strong portfolio and will help you earn.

  1. Advertising the website – Advertising your blogsite will help you generate money. And putting all the media recommendations from all the global brands with budget over millions of dollars, this move will surely feed you more than what you can imagine. All you have to do is to keep patience, do not stop writing. Keep improving your style and keep publishing be it how small the publisher is but keep on getting recognised. When the right time hits encash it.

  1. Temp Jobs – Travel freelance content writing jobs are one of the toughest jobs. You don’t end making enough initially, but once you are established, you will make more than you ever thought of it. The pay for freelance writing varies from publication to publication may be from 25$ to 500$ to 1000$. Some pay immediately while many others pay you after months when you are published. The bitter truth here is that to get paid for your work, you got to be published at different sites as well. That means you might be writing this one for free as well. In travel content writing jobs pay checks are inconsistent but you got to keep up the writing work, because you never know who is going to like your work when, and that’s when you hit your jackpot. Always accept yourself, there should be no shame in hustling for your own dreams.
  1. Brands partnerships and sponsorships – This is one another source of income from where you can earn. Most of the times brands do pay you off but some other times they can just allow you to host giveaways in order to have more readership. The other way of transaction they do is to provide free hotel stays or finance your trip. The modest approach is to reach out to the brand of your choice yourself, a brand that you admire directly. On your blogsite create a page that outlines how that brand and your site can work together and what are the capabilities you can offer which will be beneficial to both you and your brand of choice. While selecting a brand keep in mind that you are maintaining the integrity of your blogsite by choosing such brand. Because that brand will resonate with your content. So to have a proper overall beneficial impact for both the brand and your writing, you must select them wisely.

You can also refer some travel blogs to read about some travel places india.