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Tricks To Make A Musical Event More Memorable

Tricks To Make A Musical Event More Memorable

Do you remember attending your very first concert? If so, it could very well be because it was somehow memorable. While one might argue “firsts” are always memorable, there are several things bands and promoters can do to make any musical event memorable whether it’s the first fifteenth or fiftieth. The trick is to reach into your imagination and select a theme that will appeal to your target audience. Here are a few specific ideas to help make your concert really come together.

Audience Involvement Show

Think of a creative, fun way to make the audience a part of your performance. Allow the fans to conduct your group during a concert like the Gossip Orchestra does. Turn your show into a game. Ask trivia questions between sets or hold audience sectional singing competitions with band CDs as prizes.

Benefit Concert

Benefit concerts for a band or artist’s favorite cause, or even a trending cause always bring in people who might not otherwise show for a show. Giving potential fans the chance to support a good cause can drastically increase an act’s draw. It makes a positive statement and can also be the start of a community of people who share the same values and musical tastes. Witness such famous examples such as Live-Aid and Farm-Aid.

Holiday-Themed Event

A band or solo act can always get people in the spirit by playing a holiday-themed event for Christmas, Halloween, or the Fourth of July. Throw in costumes, a few decorations and an apropos holiday hit list of cover songs and a normal gig can quickly become a holiday event.

Host A Workshop

A musical event can always be entertaining and educational. The Mighty Cash Cats, for example, will not only perform material from their Johnny Cash tribute act, but they will also educate their audience on the history behind the performers and the songs themselves. Who says learning can’t be fun? Besides, performing in an educational venue can reach a whole new sector of potential future fans. Have your equipment displayed either in cases or on the front of the stage for members to look at and ask questions about.

Tribute Show

Playing a tribute show is one way to use the popularity of another artist to enlarge an audience. Fans of the more established artist can be exposed to the music of the group performing, as well as enjoy some old classics. Additionally, certain venues actually prefer bands that can play covers. Drum up interest with an online live event or ads people can click to spread easily. Live software is easy to use and can get the message out to more people.

There are many other ways to make musical events more memorable. Adding a fashion show, a surprise guest artist, or even a house concert could be a good idea. Any artist can play a show. The clever performer can take it to the next level and create an actual experience.