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Using Pinterest To Boost Your Blog Traffic

Pinterest is a service that allows you to pin images, video, and other media to your page and then share it with other people. It’s essential a visual social networking site. Since the Internet has been known to love its pictures, this site can be incredibly effective for generating traffic for your blog. Here are a few suggestions for you how you can do this.


Ride the Peak Wave

Currently the studies show that the best times for posting to Pinterest are between 2 and 4 PM EST in the afternoon, and then between 8 and 1 in the morning at night. This means that you can maximize exposure to your list by posting during these times. The key is to post a good number of pins, but not too many. Post between 5-10 at a time so that people can really digest them and so that it will draw them to your brand.

Pay Attention to Demographics

It’s been suggested that the core group of people that visit Pinterest are women between 25 and 44. This may be as high as 85 percent of those who view the site. So if you can market products that appeal to this demographic you’ll be way ahead of the crowd. For example, you can put “pin it” buttons for your products on your site so that people can share it on Pinterest more easily.

Don’t Neglect Descriptions

While there’s some technology out there that can search pictures, it’s  not nearly as advanced as the searches that have descriptions. This means that this is still how people are going to find you online so it pays to make sure that you add good descriptions that have keywords people will likely use to find your stuff. Don’t spam the keyword though. Just make the description as interesting as possible and keep it to a tight 300 characters if possible.

Add Prices

While there’s some debate about whether adding prices to your pins will put people off, it’s often found that customers are far less annoyed if your upfront about it. The Internet moves fast after all, especially in this day of high speed Internet where people can do several searches a minute. If they don’t find the products they want with the prices clearly listed, they are likely to move on to a page that does have the info they want. After all, the ability to do so is right at their fingertips. Good Pinterest marketing, just like any Internet marketing, is all about eliminating trivial inconveniences.

Get That Profile Up

People actually do click on them, believe it or not. And you can put some great info in there about who you are and what you do. The profile can turn up in search engines as well and it can serve as a good hook that will draw people into your offered content and products.

Those who use Pinterest the most effectively will be those who profit the most off of it, it’s as simple as that.