Incredible Mag

Why Car Share?

Carpooling, lift sharing, ride-sharing or car sharing – whatever you call it, the idea is that two or more people share a car to get to their mutual destinations rather than driving alone.  This might be a prospect you find a bit scary to begin with, especially if you’re a person who is shy, but you’ll soon find that not only will you gain friendship, there’ll be a whole host of other benefits too – think of the money you could save if you only drove to work for one week out of two.

If you want car sharing to work you’ll need to set a few ground rules and have a think about implementing some of them before you totally commit yourself.

What’s in it for Me?

 If you have office space in Cambridge or a similarly built up area, why not try and find an alternative path to work?  For example, the Park and Ride is a green way of getting to and from work and buses run every 10 minutes in and out of the city centre!