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Why Choose WP Reset Option Rather than Reinstalling the Site?

When you are running a site, there is a need for maintenance and testing of new themes. It helps in making the WP site more appealing. However, reinstalling the entire site is not an easy task. It not only requires sufficient time but you also need to put efforts. Irrespective of this process, there is a simple way of doing the same. You can reset WordPress and bring back the settings to its default value. It is a one-click process and requires a few seconds with no serious efforts.

This is one of the main reasons why developers choose resetting WP site rather than reinstalling it. If you too want to finish your work quickly, you must follow these steps.

Depending on the choice of database tables, you can reset the site partially or fully. In case you want to reset all values, you have to choose Select All rather than choosing one-by-one. Once the process gets completed, you will be redirected to the WP dashboard with its default value.

Now, you can test new themes, images and plugins that suit your site. If you are looking for the idea of the best plugins for WP site, you can get the information on TidyRepo. It is a genuine repository of ideal plugins for WordPress.

Some Important Facts on WP Reset

As you get to know how easy it is to do the reset, you must know the features of it before you use this facility. I have listed them in the next section-

All these features make it the most useful tool for testing the WP site. So, there is no more worry of time management when you can reset and test your site within a quick time. However, your site can’t work properly when you test new themes and plugins. It is likely that it will show error messages to the visitors that might lead to losing of the target audience. To make them aware of the background activity, the best option is using coming soon plugins.

A coming soon plugin is used to customize the main page of the site when it is under construction or maintenance. It is possible to add texts using various styles and colors. With this approach, you can give a message to the target audience. There is also a possibility of choosing unique themes, animations, characters, logos and images.

Hopefully, you have understood how effective it would be to use WP reset and set a coming soon page. Though it could be done manually, it is better to hire professionals and get rid of any loopholes in the process. So, what are you waiting for?