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Why Is Exercise Important?

Why Is Exercise Important?

Everyone knows that exercise is good for you, but very few people understand why.In a nutshell, regular exercise helps people live longer, healthier lives. In fact, exercise can improve quality of life quite dramatically and has many more benefits that are often overlooked.

What are the Main benefits of Exercise?

Today’s modern lifestyle is hectic and pressurized. At the same time, most work is sedentary rather than physical, creating a generation of inactive people. Finding time for exercise can seem impossible. Stress, lack of motivation and depleted energy levels all seem like great reasons not to work out. But these are exactly the reasons that you should be exercising.

Getting Started on a Workout Program

Incorporating workouts into a busy lifestylecan seem complicated and it is important to choose the right type of exercise for your age and fitness level.The two most important age categories when considering which exercises to do are young children and people who are over the age of 65 years. For all other age groups, a balanced mix between aerobic exercises and strength training is the best way to stay active.

Training for Juniors

While making sure children stay active it is important to remember that they should be learning motor coordination through movement. Playing football, hockeyor basketball are great ways to achieve this, as exercises like running, sliding and jumping teach muscle coordination. At the same time, weight lifting is not beneficial to young children and should not be started until the end of the growth phase.

Training for Seniors

For people over the age of 65, the focus when exercising should be on maintaining flexibility and mobility. Low-impact aerobic exercise should form the basis of a workout for seniors. Stationary bicycles and elliptical trainers are both ideal for this. Golf is also a great way for seniors to stay active.

In addition to the aerobic exercises to keep joints mobile, people over the age of 65 should also include some strength training. Muscle mass is important for stability and endurance and strength training will help ensure that muscle mass is maintained.

Whatever your age or fitness level, the important thing is to get moving. For more advice on how to create your workout routine, have a look at the article “Tips for creating an exercise regime” on the Canadian health blog.