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Why is Telemedicine So Important in our Lives?


Telemedicine is emerging as a crucial healthcare solution among the healthcare industry. It holds the promise to naturally impact some of the most pressing problems of the prevailing health care system and provide easy access to care, increased efficiency and reduced costs.

Telemedicine has already proved to be beneficial by transforming the way healthcare services are availed and provided. For providers, patient care is the topmost priority and Telehealth has shown that it is a fast and good quality medical care provider for all.

Hospitals and general physicians have realized the groundbreaking potential and benefits of video conferencing. Mobile phones are used to improve patient engagement.

Here are a few reasons why you should be convinced that telemedicine plays an important part in our lives.

Easy and Accessible Patient Care

A recent global survey conducted by Cisco, reveals that 74 percent of patients are in favor of affordable and easy access to healthcare services than inpatient meetings with physicians and providers.

The respondents believe that virtual meetings constantly assure patients that their doctor is available and also allows them to ask questions without any barriers or awkwardness. Including telemedicine, the professional practitioners provide patients’ simple, on-demand care without wasting time in waiting rooms and cost in personal visits.

Patients who reside in rural areas or far from medical facilities can easily access services virtually. Today, video communication, online management systems connect providers and patients easier than ever before.

Cost Savings

Scheduled analysis, monitored services, and electronic data management reduce healthcare services cost to a greater extent for both patients and providers. Telemedicine significantly reduces unnecessary visits to the ER and waive the transportation expenses for general checkups.

A study by the American Hospital Association reveals that a well-implemented telemedicine program saves 11% in costs and triples the rate of ROI for investors. Apart from the general savings, telemedicine also enhances doctors’ revenue by converting call hours into billable time, encouraging new patients to try the latest technology, reducing inpatient visits and overheads for physicians who plan to switch to flexible work hours for the most part of the week.

Increased Patient Attraction

When patients are serious about their own health, they go beyond means to lower costs and avail the best healthcare facilities.

Jan Oldenburg a Senior Advisory Manager at EY Ford told Healthcare News, that the best telehealth companies know how to attract their patients by maintaining appointment and client schedules. Increased communication with patients also helps them reduce obesity and eliminate tobacco use and encourage them to opt for a healthy lifestyle.

Telemedicine has also made follow up easier for patients. The staff on call is attentive and can easily identify any dangerous symptoms. Latest technology in telemedicine has significantly eliminated any geographical barriers between doctors and patients, allowing them free access to quality healthcare and services.

Improved Care Quality

Telemedicine has dramatically shifted all the attention towards patients with the help of patient-centered approaches that help doctors deliver timeliness of care and services. This is critical not just too patient care but also helps in maintaining the doctor-patient relationship.

Results show that patients are satisfied with their healthcare issues being addressed quickly by consultants and learn about their treatment options within minutes. Patients who are regular users of telemedicine show fewer signs of depression, stress and have 38 percent fewer hospital admissions.

What’s more for Telemedicine?

Telemedicine is making rapid progress and has the ability to fasten up the diagnosis and prescription process, enhancing patient treatment time and long-term results while reducing travel costs and long waiting hours.

Telemedicine is constantly transforming and can easily be adaptable by many organizations, hospitals, and private clinics. Telehealth has already proved to be crucial in identifying renal care and Optometry. Patients on dialysis machines can be observed automatically in the presence of their homes, while eye examinations can be processed through video conferencing.

The next big step for top telehealth company is to integrate into mobile devices, allowing patients to keep in touch with their doctors through video conferencing as technology is becoming more reliable and affordable. Such advancements in telemedicine encourage patients to reach out to hundreds of nurses, hospital staff, general physicians and consultant across the world.