Incredible Mag

Why You Should Treat SEO Like A Game?

Just like any game, SEO is easy to start, but can be very difficult to fully master. Due to high competition, achieving high rank can be quite challenging. It takes only an hour to explain SEO and then start immediately. Also, just like chess, you need to fully think consider about your moves and respond to the movement of your competitors. SEO is about achieving higher rank for certain keywords and you need to have the best plan of attack to defeat your competitors. Many SEO professionals say that once you understand all the components of SEO, you will be hooked and eager to achieve good results. In order to win the game, you need to make sure that you really understand the game. Closely read all the game rules, such as things you should do and shouldn’t do. Not doing a few things will cause you to lose the competition and doing a few other things will cause you to get banned by search engines. Basic rules should be relatively easy to understand. As an example, you should know how people could fund you and how to choose the right keywords and keyphrases.

Playing the SEO games will also require you to master some of the technical skills, such JavaScript and CSS. Even so, they are not incredibly hard to master and if you are willing devote enough time, it’s possible to learn. When playing chess, it is easy to understand how bishop and rook move. When working in SEO project, it is also easy to understand how to get backlinks and increase the keyword relevance of your webpages. However, beginner chess players may not know the right time to move their bishops and rooks. Similarly, SEO beginners may not know how to obtain quality inbound backlinks and use keywords properly in their webpages. You are playing against other SEO professionals who are also seeking to rank high for the same set of keywords, with Google, Yahoo Search! and Bing as game administrators. You will have a greater opportunity to win, if you proceed higher in your capability. You should know who you are playing against.

Identifying your opponents should be relatively easy and you can do this by using your primary keywords in search engines. You will know websites that are ranked higher and lower compared to your website. You can visit each of the website and see the quality of their content. There are also SEO tools that allow you to check the backlink of each opponent’s page. Sometimes, you see that competitor’s popular pages are not their homepages, but webpages that contain rich information. You will have a better idea on how to match them in terms of content and backlink quality. Just like professional chess players, it takes many years to master chess. Achieving high rank for important keywords will also take time and effort. Cheating won’t get you anywhere. Search engine algorithm is smart enough to detect illegal SEO practice and you website can get banned.