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4 Alternative Music Soundtracks That Will Rock Your World

Most people would be surprised if they realize that they have been listening to an unconventional form of music that is being played in the latest movies. This is more so the case with those songs that they have discovered by those who were impressed by what they listened to while watching these films. Here are a few film tracks that will rock your world but be warned that their genre is unconventional.

Boom Clap

As the name of this track suggests, this alternative music song will change your world completely – with every single beat and rhythm. The song is from the movie “The fault in our stars,” which not only features some of the best new singers but also a tempo that will truly tug at your heart strings. So, if you haven’t heard this number yet, you should consider listening to it. There are other songs in this movie too, which also belong to the same genre of music as this one. Once you have heard it, you will realize that there is no song like it.

Back and Forth

This number by the band Operator Please sounds a lot like songs from the days of yore but it is actually one of the latest songs. The beats in this song from the movie “For a good time, call…” are indeed different from those in contemporary songs and one would keep craving for them time and again since it reminds one of the golden times when people lived simple lives and still made music that was extraordinary. The tunes are also a bit old-fashioned in this song. Even if you are not a fan of the song title, you can still listen to the tunes and beats. The lyrics do not really tell you anything about the entire song.

Came Out Of A Lady

This is not your typical song but one with lyrics that would make you indulge in some wishful thinking – but that is not the point. Golden oldies are some things that you have always wished would be revived at some point of time or another and this is one such number that would transport you back in time. The singer (of this sound-track from the movie “Drinking Buddies” sings so fast that you may not exactly be able to catch the lyrics but again, this song will simply rock your world with its rhythm and tempo. Nothing like a song that seems to have blasted from the past, eh?

Crazy Youngsters

This number by Ester Dean has a girly girl theme that would simply make you crave for more of it. This track will give you something even the soundtracks from 90s may not have given you – a sense of identification with the modern times and at the same time, the feeling of having returned to the golden days of your childhood or even before. This is one song you should definitely listen to if you haven’t already done so. Who knows? It might even make you crave a get-together with some of your friends.