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5 No-Equipment Moves For A Sculpted Lower Body

5 No-Equipment Moves For A Sculpted Lower Body

If you’re a person who hates going to a gym – well, there’s nothing to worry about. The good news is that you can perform lower body sculpting moves at home. What even better is that you don’t need special equipment or gym machines to do these exercises! All you need is the motivation.

Following are the five exercises that you can do at home without any equipment to get your body into shape.

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly turned out with your body weight balanced on your heels. Bend forward at your hips and go back into a squat position – imagine you are sitting on an imaginary chair.

While holding the squat, make sure you bend your knees and keep your thighs parallel to the floor. Then stand back up straight and repeat the same steps. For better results, squeeze your butt and keep your core tight as you stand up to return to the starting position.

Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart. Next, go deep into a squat, bend your knees and keep your thighs parallel to the floor.

Now instead of simply returning to the starting position, jump as high as possible, land on both feet and then straighten out your legs. Make sure your back is straight and chest is lifted. Swing your arms while jumping to keep up the momentum.

For doing this exercise you need a chair and a box or bench. Stand straight facing the chair, and keep your hands by your sides.

Now tap your left foot on the bench, swap the legs quickly and tap your right foot. Do this multiple times by changing the legs alternately. Make sure your back is straight and chest is lifted all the time.

Start this by going into a downward dog position. Now shift your weight to the left leg and stretch the right leg with the right foot pointed outwards. Create a semicircle as you lift and lower the right leg

Now repeat this exercise with the left foo to complete one rep. Do two sets of this exercise with 10 reps each.

Start this exercise by lying on the left side with your left arm extended, and your knees bent to a 90 degree. Make sure your hips are stacked directly on top of each other. You also need to keep your abdominal muscles engaged to maintain proper posture throughout the exercise.

Now keeping the torso stable, rotate the top leg outward. Remember, the inside of your feet remain together. Open and close the knees 6 to 8 times and then switch sides. This move is especially beneficial for activating the inner thigh muscles.

Bodyweight moves such as those mentioned above help strengthen the muscles that we use every day. Remember that your body is the only thing you need. If you keep your body healthy, your life will be pain-free. Moreover, you will feel strong and energetic every day.

All kinds of physical activity will give you the energy to start your day on a high note. However, you can only benefit from strength training or any other exercise if you perform the moves correctly and maintain a good posture.

Wearing a waist trainer such as latex waist cincher during exercise can support your spine especially during intense movements. There are several types of waist cinchers available online like Ann Chery and Hourglass Express. So make sure you choose one that best suits your goals.