Steps You Shouldn't Skip When Starting A Mobile App Business

Steps You Shouldn’t Skip When Starting A Mobile App Business

7 mins read

With the app market rapidly growing every year, app businesses have been booming all over the globe. 

However, starting a mobile app business is often hard, and if you miss certain blind spots, you might hurt the growth and wellbeing of your company. 

That’s why, in this blog post, we’ve listed all the steps that you should never skip when starting a mobile app business. 

Deep and detailed market research 

Your app business can’t build successful apps without having done deep and detailed research of the market.

Detailed research of the app market is critically important if you want to know the state of the app market and how your product can address it. Without deep research of your competitors, you won’t have insights on what their strengths and weaknesses are. You risk making a second-rate app that will fail to achieve downloads and convert customers from your competitors. 

Since app development and launch are extensive and complicated, you want to make informed decisions as early on as possible. 

The benefits of doing extensive research are:

  • increased market insight
  • data for marketing strategies
  • understanding of user expectations
  • informed development decision making

According to an analysis of ChromeInfotech, 72% of mobile apps fail to perform their expectations because of inadequate market research. 

Doing deep and thorough research of the app market should become second nature to your small business before developing any project. It might be overwhelming at first, but you can start by reading app industry reports that are available online. 

All the developers and technology you need

Choosing the right developers and technology is vitally important for your mobile app business. After all, without the right tools and employees, you can’t succeed. 

By now, your market analysis has informed you of what kind of mobile apps you want to develop. Now comes the time to list the developer and technological needs for your mobile app business. This means highlighting all the software and hardware for your operations and making a detailed list of developer requirements for hiring. 

Keep in mind that your developer needs aren’t just the number of employees your business needs and the required technical skills, but also the soft skill developer needs, such as communication and teamwork. Not having a detailed understanding of your developer and technological needs can be detrimental to your business and lead to a lot of costs in the long run. 

For example, it’s possible you hire the correct number of developers needed to complete the project, but fail to assess the technological needs of your business. If vital software is missing from the development process, it will cause delays and additional costs. 

Understanding the developer and technological needs of your business is crucial in order to begin operations successfully. 

Financing sources 

Figuring out your financing sources is critically important if your mobile app business is to launch and perform basic operations. 

Based on your detailed business needs, you know the overall cost of running your business. Don’t feel scared if your cost projections exceed your budget, because a thorough financing sources analysis is here to disclose how you’re going to fund everything. 

When you successfully list financing sources, you can choose a combination of multiple sources and allow your mobile app business to better handle potential financial downturns. This will also improve your chances of finding the ideal source of financing that fits your business the most.  

With financing sources for your app business, there are several options available:

  • bank loans
  • venture capital
  • business angels
  • bootstrapping 
  • business incubators

Imagine you want to start your app business with an ambitious mobile app project in mind that requires a lot of specialized knowledge and expensive tech. If a bank loan won’t cover all the expenses, you can reach out to outside investors, such as business angels who can invest hundreds of thousands of dollars and ask anything from 10 to 25% of shares in return.

Your financing sources are the fuel for your business, and picking the best source is key for its future. 

A detailed business plan on marketing and monetization

The quality of the mobile apps your business makes isn’t enough by itself to secure success. It needs to rely on a detailed business plan.

A business plan that covers the marketing and monetization of your app project is critically important. It determines the steps, from initial marketing before you launch your app, to the post-launch phase where you’re looking to directly converge users and monetize your app. This way, your team won’t waste time and resources on revision and you can set measurable goals for the project. 

You should view your business plan as the roadmap for getting a return on investment for the product you developed. Without it, your project loses direction and risks failing. Knowing the specifics of how to write a business plan for a mobile app idea is vital for the success of an app project, whether you’re building it for your own business or a client. 

Having a detailed business plan on marketing and monetization in place will make sure the quality of your app gets properly rewarded on the app market. 


In this blog post, we’ve talked about the most important steps you shouldn’t skip when starting your app business. Each of these is vitally important and demands your full attention. 

When you have a complete understanding of the needs, potential, and surroundings of your business, you can chart your path to success.