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The Art Of Seduction Industry Edition For Upcoming Rap Artist Elijah Sommerz

The Art Of Seduction Industry Edition For Upcoming Rap Artist Elijah Sommerz

The Art of Seduction industry edition

Updated BY: MR Olezhek

“The art of seduction is real”.  One of the key comp nets to being a successful musician is you have to turn your fan base, the very first step is to get into the online community, in my opinion I think is the best way to build a highly engaged, inspired and thriving core of fan base.

 So we’ll start by looking at how to build a fan base before moving on to the best way to turn that loyal fan base into a thriving online community.

Here are the seven steps we’ll be covering today to help you build a fan base on a global scale:

Here are some tips form Elijah sommerz about features.

  1. Forget networking: Think of it as building real relationships
  2. Stop talking about your music career and start sharing about yourself
  3. Music is created in communities: Don’t isolate yourself
  4. Do what you love, but that means you have to love the work
  5. Help others with their careers

 Keep in mind that:

In most cases the promoters are the booking agents who make a contractual agreement with singers or musicians for performing in shows. Normally, these agents have direct contact with music bands and singers and hence are able to book them easily. However, the reputed bands or musicians have their own managers who take bookings on behalf of the bands. Nowadays, several music bands are also putting up their websites, through which they can be contacted directly. Through the artists might not get back to you personally, but they will make sure that their representative does. So, if you are looking for a music band for corporate shows or any other event, it is better to contact them directly.

How to run a competition online?

Make sure that you put the link up on social media, on your website in your email marketing. Put it everywhere.


 We will end this article with some words of encouragement by Elijah sommerz

“I believe with good faith things that are hard to hear with ruthless compassion while standing for your worth and your highest potential will grow in due time”. – Elijah sommerz

See also: