5 Things To Keep In Mind Before Embarking On A Cruise

6 mins read

Booking a cruise can be a fun way to spend your vacation. A cruise is an all-inclusive trip. You get to spend your time on a floating resort, with occasional stops at different destinations, giving you the opportunity to go on excursions for the day and return to the boat in the evening.

5 Things To Keep In Mind Before Embarking On A Cruise

While cruise can be a lot of fun for the whole family, or for singles, there are a few things that you should consider before planning a trip on a cruise. Here are 5 things to keep in mind before embarking on a cruise.

#1 – Bring Your Medications

If you or a member of your family takes medication, you should remember to have the prescription before you leave on the cruise. You need to ensure that you have enough of your medication available for the entire trip.

Also, if it is a prescription medication, it is a good idea to keep the medication inside the packaging that it comes with from the pharmacy. The cruise ship may require you to provide some type of documentation that your prescription medication is legal. So, instead of placing your medication inside a pillbox, keep it in its original bottle.

If you forget your medication, you may be able to obtain it from the ship’s doctor. Though, you can expect to pay more than you normally would for this medication. There is also a chance that the doctor will not have the medication that you require.

You may also want to purchase a few additional medications. This includes anti-diarrheal and seasickness medications. These are two of the most common ailments that people suffer from during cruise trips. Again, if you need to purchase these from the ship’s doctor, you will pay more than the average price.

#2 – Purchase Travel Insurance

If your cruise will take you through international waters or to a foreign country, you should purchase travel insurance. This protects you in the event that you need medical service during your trip.

The travel insurance will cut down on the costs of hospital bills in foreign countries. This is similar to having insurance in your home country, except that it is temporary. It can also cover non-medical issues, such as stolen luggage or theft.

If you decide to purchase travel insurance, remember to keep the paperwork in a safe place.

#3 – Use Travel Precautions and Stay Safe

A cruise can offer a great time for everyone. But, you need to keep in mind that the cruise ship is not governed by the same laws as your country – if the ship is traveling in international waters.

Crimes, such as theft, assault, or sexual assault, may not receive the same level of attention from the authorities as if it were to happen at home. The ship’s security will do their best to prevent these issues, but you need to do your part.

You need to use basic travel precautions. This means remaining aware of your surroundings, not traveling with expensive items, keeping your personal possessions locked away in a cabin safe, and traveling in a group.

#4 – You Need to Attend the Safety Drill

While you may be ready to party as soon as you arrive on the boat, you need to attend the safety drill before the good times start. You cannot skip this drill. The drills will typically occur before the ship sets sail.

You need to keep in mind that the safety drill is for your safety. It is mandatory and you need to take it seriously. Generally, the crew will check cabins to make sure that no one is skipping the drill.

During the drill, pay attention to the instructions. Learn how to put on the life jackets, find out where the life jackets are located and take notice of the lifeboats and emergency exit procedures.

#5 – Keep Valuables in Your Carry-On Bag

The final thing that you need to keep in mind before embarking is that checking in for cruise ships is different from checking into a hotel. With a cruise ship, everyone is checking in at the same time. This means hundreds of suitcases and bags are getting checked. It is not unusual for a bag to get lost.

Keep your valuables in your carry-on bag. In fact, you should try to condense your luggage as much as possible. Try to bring the least number of bags and suitcases that you can.

Cruises are all-inclusive vacations for the whole family. But, you do need to keep these things in mind before booking your trip. Remember to check your medications, consider purchasing travel insurance, use basic travel safety precautions, attend the safety drill, and keep your valuables in your carry-on bag.

If you can remember these simple steps, you should surely have a great time. Have fun and do not forget to keep your valuables safe.

Author Bio – This article is a work of Steve Bomm on behalf of InsanelyCheapFlights, a leading online travel portal for booking cheap flight tickets.