In reality, not many high school students are really sure what area of study that will pursue in college. They may have a number of potential options to choose, while others may don’t even have a clue what major to choose in college. So, it is important to decide the best area of study that suits your needs and wants. When you are in this situation and there are many options to choose, it is important to start narrowing down your options. Regardless of whether you are pursuing bachelor’s degree, associate’s degree, master degree or doctorate, you need to be very sure about your selection. Self exam is a good method to determine what area of study that you want to choose and this will involve some self examination. This exercise starts by writing down your interests and favourite subjects in high school. Knowing where you are excelling is also a good way to know about your interests. Things that you do during your free time are also a good way to know about your genuine interests and what future career that would be best.
For many high school students, writing down a list of interests is still far from enough and the next to do is to perform an assessment test. Some colleges and universities offer free or low-cost assessment tests to help potential students to understand their strengths. In the meantime, it is a good idea to use additional resources to help on deciding the proper area of study. These resources may include course catalog from universities, recommendations from friends and family, opinions from classmates, advices from teachers and job listings in your area, to know what kind of job positions that are available. Here are examples of college programs that you may choose:
- Nursing: It is the right program if you want to expand nursing interest.
- Medical: Medical degrees are available from associate’s level to doctoral. Obtaining an associate’s level will open the door for many medical- and health-related careers.
- Law: You may obtain law degree if you have the ambition to become a lawyer or attorney. Law programs should help you to pass the bar exam and start a career in law field.
- Information technology: Information technology program is great for entering a career in computer science and various technology fields.
- Healthcare: People who get healthcare degree can work in various healthcare positions. It’s also a good position for people who seek to extend and further their career in this industry:
- Graphics design: For people with artistic preferences, graphics design program should help them to improve their employment opportunities. Graphics design is applicable in many fields, including marketing, software development and others.Should Choose in College
- Engineering: Enrolling in engineering program should be a good decision to choose. Technology continues to improve these days and the engineering field is highly sought after.
- Business: It’s one of the most universal fields, which can be applied in many areas. You may choose bachelor’s and master’s degree to achieve good careers in the business world.