How many rituals are there that take place in a Christian wedding?

4 mins read

The Christian wedding is also a short wedding with a limited number of rituals. Some of the rituals that; are there in Christian wedding are mentioned below with a short note on them:

1.Matchmaking: The First ritual in Christian wedding is of matchmaking. Both the families meet each other to fix the wedding and the engagement. This is a ritual which is done in all the Christian wedding. Matchmaking is the most important ritual of the Christian wedding. This ritual is followed by the engagement.

2.Engagement: This is a ritual in which both the bride and groom exchange their rings and enjoy a lot. Family, friends, and relatives of the bride and groom express their happiness by dancing and singing. Both the families gift the bride and groom so many dresses, money, jewelry etc. this is the common ritual of each wedding.

3.Bridal Shower: Bridal shower is a ritual in which all the female members gather in the bride’s house and shower her with so many dresses, money, and jewelry. They dance and enjoy their moment properly. This is a ritual that; is done in Christian wedding just before the marriage. If anyone is looking for marriage portal for divorcees then they can take help from divorce matrimonial to find their perfect life partners.

4.Bachelor’s party: This is a pre-wedding party that is given by the groom’s friends and relatives. This is a party which includes boys only. This party is held just one day before the wedding. Bachelor’s party is usually done in a club or resorts. All the boys enjoy a lot by dancing, singing, eating stuff etc.

5.Roce ceremony: This is a ceremony similar to haldi ceremony. In this ritual, the bride and groom are showered with mustard oil on their bodies which is further followed by roce, coconut oil, and other things. This is a ritual which is done in some parts of India such as Kerala, Konkan etc. these are some of the pre-wedding rituals done in a Christian wedding.

 6.Saying goodbye to the bride: In a Christian wedding ceremony, before sending the bride to the groom’s house a group photo is taken of the people came to enjoy the wedding ceremony. After, that the bride throws the flowers behind her and it is believed that the person who catches the flower will be the next to marry. After, that she is sent to groom’s house in a well-decorated car.

7.Welcoming the bride: The bride has welcomed her in-laws to her new house. After this ritual, an after wedding party is given by the in-laws to the newlywed couples. If anyone is looking for a divorce girl for marriage then they can take help from different matrimonial sites dealing with Divorce marriages. Online matrimonial sites will help people out to find the perfect life partners.

These are different types of pre-wedding and post-wedding rituals done in a Christian wedding.